-Chapter 4-

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~Readers P.O.V~
Me Toby made it out the house without anyone noticing us. All I can remember is just that tall man. Toby's arm was around my shoulder the whole way.

I just kept looking back at the woods. Something about it sent chills down my spine.

"I'm really sorry for doing that (Y/N/N) {Your nickname.}I didn't know it would freak you out."

"Well, at least I found something."

I pulled a little box out of my purse {or bag if you're not a girly girl. Aka me}.

"No way! Evidence!"


When we finally made it to my house, Toby handed his jacket to me. He said to keep it since it was his fault for that stupid plan. It really wasn't his fault. I was just being a little baby. I thanked him and I saw him head home.

That night I tried to fall asleep on my (F/C) bed but I couldn't. Until I closed my eyes, I just saw that man. I had to know what he was and why he didn't attack me or anything.

I pulled up my laptop and did a little research. His name is slender man and apparently, he takes lures little kids into the woods. I couldn't even get that much sleep that night. Just the thought of that PERVERT wondering around the town looking for kids for his own desire. 

~1 month later~
Toby and I finally knew what was in that box. It was just a photos of his family. But not only that, all of the family members face was marked with an X except Jeff's.

Me and Toby went to Jeff's funeral. I may have cried at times but who wouldn't? Weeks past and Toby has acted weirder than before. He would always wonder into space or day dream during class.

He also has been ticking more than ever. It's gotten worse every day!

"So uh Tob, how bout tomorrow we go get waffles? I know that's your favorite."

"Can't. Have to stay h-home a-all day."


"Plus your stepdad gets m-mad when your w-with me."

Oh yeah, later on, my mom starts dating this old man. One time I brought Toby home and my stupid stepdad told him 'no cripples aloud'.

I got so mad at him. My mom tried to break up with him for me but this man doesn't take no for an answer!

"Eh. Who gives a damn about that old grandpa anyways?"

A long awkward silence dropped in a said hello. I guess awkward wasn't only here to say hello. Guess he want to talk all bout his life.

"I should get going. B-bye (Y-Y/N)."

"Bye Toby Doby. Oh and I'll be dropping by tomorrow to give you a little present."


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