-Chapter 22-

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~Your P.O.V~
Dropping the knife, I couldn't move. My body frozen. I didn't know what to think now. I felt sorry for him/her.

I heard Jeff screaming my name to pick up the knife and kill him/her already. I bend down to pick up the knife but I soon blacked out.

I woke up on the top of my bed and I looked around me. Only to find Toby pacing back and forth in the room

"Ah (Y/N), you're finally awake. It was about time. I started to worry about you."

I gave a little groan and looked away from him. I turned my body away from him and put my cover over myself.

"(Y/N)! I know, I'm an idiot for saying I have feelings when you finally gave up on me. I just..ugh."

He kicked the TV stand and sat on the ground. I could hear him crying.

"What's the point? You're never going to forgive me. I'm just an idiot for thinking a girl like you would forgive a guy like me."

I turned again to the wall. I felt tears coming in but I didn't want them to. I wanted to.. be happy.

"I knew you had feelings for me a long time ago I just thought.. I thought you would wait for me until I broke up with Clockwork. I wanted to be with you ever since I laid my eyes on you. I.. I just didn't know how to put it. Besides, it looks like you liked Jeff more than me. I can see why."

I stood in rage. I knew exactly why he said that.

"Enough Toby! I get it, you're madly in love with me! I'm still in love with YOU for some reason. I don't know how to explain it but you give me this feeling that not even my mother showed to me. And I do not like Jeff just because he's way more out going than you!"

He looked at me with his brown, puffy eyes. He stood up and scratched his brown, messy hair.

"I know. I wanted to wait for you. But you took so long that I just wanted to give up on you. But I can't! Toby, you've been there for me for so long, not even myself can thank you for everything you have done for me!"

I jumped down from the top bunk and stood in front of him. I felt a tear drop down from my face. I placed my head on his chest and whispered.

"Thank you. I love you..."

He wrapped his hands around me and we both stood there for a solid 2 minutes.

He lifted my head towards his. I felt him leaning towards me for a kiss. I couldn't pass away this offer. I closed my eyes and before our lips touched, Jeff barged into the room.

"(Y/N)! Your dad wants to see you."

Me and Toby looked at him and faced each other again. He smiled and walked out of the dorm.

I shakes myself from this and walked to my dads office.

-2 minutes later-
"(Y/N) (L/N)! What the hell happen out there?! You were suppose to do one thing and you failed!"

"I know and I'm deeply sorry. If you could just give me one more shot, I'll promise you I won't make that same mistake out there!"

"Ugh, I hate having to listen to your sorrow. Fine. But if you mess up, you'll be where your mother is right now."

I gulped and I felt a sweat drop come down my face.

"Yes sir."

"Good girl. Now, go back to your cabin and do what other teenage girls do."

I walked out and I saw Toby standing outside of the door, waiting with a rose in his hand.

-On top of the cabin roof-
"So, one more shot huh?"

"Yup. It's so much pressure. I don't think I can handle it."

"Just focus on your target. Think of it as you're shooting an arrow at an actually target."

"Wow thanks that really helped."

I sarcastically rolled my eyes. He laughed and punched my right arm softly.

"So, what now?"

"I don't know."

I laid back to look up at the stars. I heard a song coming from the right of me. Where Toby was at. He had put a song on for him to listen. With me listening to it as well. (The song on the very top)

I giggled at this and smiled at him. He smiled back. He soon stood up and grabbed my hand. I looked shocked and I could see his face turning bright red.

"(Y/N), just know that no matter what, I love you no matter what. I want to be there for you forever and be the shoulder you cry on. I can't help falling in love with you. And how could I not?"

I blushed too bright at this. I almost felt tears coming down my rosy cheeks.

"I promise you, I would never take advantage of you. You're everything I wished for and I'm glad you came into my life. And just know,"

He leaned into my ear and whispered:
"I got you."

He kissed me. The wind was blowing and the song was coming into an end.

"Wow. I never thought it could be like that."

"It's never like that."

I could see stars twinkling in his eyes. He was blushing a whole lot. Somehow, it made me blush a little too. He jumped off the roof cabin and went inside. I was still outside on the roof, looking up at the sky. I was still thinking about the kiss still.

I headed off to bed and was still asleep while Toby/current boyfriend and Jeff were still asleep. Toby's word was ringing into my head the whole night and day: "I got you."

I got you

The end

I Got You ~Ticci Toby x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now