First Day of School Pt.3

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Third POV

Jin and his new friends, Jimin and Jungkook, were already seated at their new hang out area for lunch. It was a pretty big table for only 3 people. 4 other people could be able to fill up the rest of the space Jin thought to himself. He and his friends were all having a good time and laughing at the funniest comments that Jungkook had.

Namjoon and his new friends, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung, had just entered the cafeteria and got in line to get their food. After each of them got their food, Namjoon had stopped laughing with the rest of his friends because he made eye contact with someone.


I was laughing with my friends and after we finished cracking up, their was a bit of an awkward silence. I suddenly notice that kid that I sit next to in my English class. What was his name again? Oh! Right, it was Namjoon. I asked Jimin and Jungkook if it was okay with them to invite Namjoon and his little group of friends. They both agreed to the idea so while I was thinking of a way to grab Namjoon's attention, we had already made eye contact.

Not gonna lie, I got startled, but I just shook it off. I waved my hand, signaling for Namjoon and his friends to come over. After a while of him and his friends looking back and forth at each other, they started walking towards our table. And what do you know? 4 people to fill up the rest of the table.

Namjoon POV

Hoseok is so funny. I almost pissed my pants because of his cheesy jokes and his weird personality. I suddenly turned my head forward to make sure I didn't bump into anyone, but I then made eye contact with Jin. He was the guy that came in late to English this morning. Why is he staring at me? I thought to myself.

He was two other guys who seemed to be quite nice. He then waved his hand at my group, signaling at us to go over to them. We all looked at each other with 'Sure, why not. It's not like we have anything better to do' looks on our faces and so we walked over to Jin's table. There were 4 open spots for us to sit, which was lucky for us.

Third POV

Namjoon and his friends sat at Jin's table awkwardly. They sat in this order at the round table: Jungkook sat next to Taehyung, who sat next to Jimin, who sat next to Yoongi, who sat next to Hoseok, who sa next to Namjoon, who sat next Jin, who sat next Jungkook. (a/n: this is not meant to be the order of youngest to oldest)

For some reason, everyone but Yoongi was blushing for some strange reason (a/n: ;)) Anyway, for about 2 minutes, there was an awkward silence betweeen everyone. Hoseok, being the happy and cheery person he is, decided to end the awkwardness.

"So, how about we all introduce ourselves?" He said with a huge smile on his face. Everyone agreed to his offer, so they started to indroduce themselves. After their introductions, they all smiled at each other. Soon they decided to talk about things they all had in common, for example Namjoon, Hosoek and Yoongi enjoyed rapping and Jin, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook liked to sing. Everyone enjoyed dancing, and that does not mean that everyone knew how to dance. Afterwards, they gave each other their phone numbers and themselves a group chat.

After a while of laughter, the new 2 diffrent groups became closer to each other and created a 7 person group. The bell, that signaled that lunch was over, rang. Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi had their next class together and so did Taehyung and Jungkook. Oh, what a coincidence, Namjoon and Jin had their next class together too, but sadly for them, it was their physical education class.

Once they got to the locker rooms, which was they were suppose to go so they could get their locks and lockers, they decided that it would be nice to have their lockers close to each other. Their lockers were right next to each other and for both of them, it just meant that they had already become good friends because they were comfortable enough around each other to have their lockers so close. For Namjoon, it was something very meaningful because he loved having friends around him at ALL times.

After every student got their lockers, not much happened afterwards. The teacher just gave them the rest of class to do whatever. Once that class ended, Namjoon and Jin went off their separate ways. The rest of the day felt pointless for Namjoon and Jin because they couldn't laugh with each other or have really cheesy conversations. And before they knew it, the first day of school was over, but not the day.

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