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Created: January 30, 2016 / / Updated: July 16, 2018


"What on earth did I get myself into?"

Were the kind of thoughts that were running through my mind at this moment.

You see, it all started yesterday right after school, one moment there I am, hiding out in a classroom, sitting on the floor, nose buried deep into a good book. And the next, there I am, holding hands with the beautiful, Kaori Miyazono. Who I guess you can say is my girlfriend. 

If I would have known that all of this was bound to happen the moment I had stepped out of the classroom, I wouldn't have left. 

Now, normally it would be a man's dream to have a beautiful and talented girlfriend, such as Kaori Miyazono. This would normally be the part where the boyfriend, meaning me, gushes over the girlfriend, saying something like, 

"Oh, what good have I done to deserve a girl like her?" Or something cheesy like that. Yeah, I mean I could say something like that, but it would have a different meaning.  

But seriously, what did I do to end up with Kaori Miyazono? The answer's simple, really, nothing. 

[An hour or so earlier] 

Kaori Miyazono, oh, does that name not ring a bell? Well, let me introduce her. 

The reason that you may not know much about her, though most everyone knows by now, is because Kaori Miyazono has not been to school in a while, actually up until three weeks ago or so. 

And right away, boy, was everyone blown away from her beauty. 

Long silky blonde hair, bright blue eyes, thick black lashes, nearly milk-like skin and an angel like voice to tie it all together. She had the whole package.

Unfortunately, I do not know much about her, myself. 

She is often referred to as the blonde haired beauty. This beauty still remains a mystery to me. 

It's not because she's the type of girl who refuses to talk to anyone, and she definitely is not quiet, she's very outgoing actually. It's just that, daily she is followed and surrounded by a group of her fans.  

But, whatever. It's not like I would actually go up and talk to her, all I really am is curious. Besides, how to expect somebody like me to waltz on up and talk to somebody like her, what would we even talk about?

It was then that Kaori Miyazono starting walk towards my direction, I lifted up the book that I had in my hand and began to read, well, pretend to read. 

It was always around this time that Kaori Miyazono would pass my locker in the halls with her swarm of fans, and this time was no different. To avoid any awkward eye contact or anything similar to that I would often distract myself with something, just long enough to let her pass me. 

And when she did I always found myself looking up form whatever I had in my hand only to find myself watching her from afar, taking in the golden locks that fell gracefully behind her.

Boy, isn't she just breathtaking? 

And then, for the first time ever, Kaori Miyazono stopped in her tracks and looked back at me, our eyes meeting for the first time ever. 

I felt myself jump,

'She caught me! She must think that I'm a weirdo!' 

I flipped through the pages of my book, finding a random page and began to read. 

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