Chapter 9: Kiss Me Awake

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Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. Pokemon belongs to GameFreak, etc.

Hey everyone, thanks for 550 reads! It was literally only a week ago since this story hit 300! Thank you all!

My Palletshipping One-Shot is almost done. It should be out a few hours after this chapter goes out.

Serena drearily opened her eyelids, and shortly after, closed them to shield her eyes from the blinding light.

Slowly getting used to the light, she tried opening them again and found that it was slightly easier. She blinked a few times, and caught the attention of a few people sitting across the room from her. The first person to reach her side was a woman with short, brown-maroon hair and a green jumper tied around her waist.

"Mother? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? You fell off the Prism Tower and expect me to be at home drinking tea or something? If it wasn't for Ash, Arceus bless that boy, you would be gone!"

"Ash! Where is he?" Serena shot up in the bed, regretting it as her whole body stung with pain, and she slumped back, drained.

"He's still unconscious. You've both been for a whole two weeks now."

"We took quite a fall, huh."

"You don't say, Serena! No, you don't say!"

"Stop with the sarcasm mum."

"So, while you're still recovering and have nothing to do, can we talk?"

"Um, sure."

"Now answer me honestly."

"Alright. Whatever you say."

"Do you love Ash?"

"You got straight to the point real quick."

"Don't avoid the question."

Serena sighed. "Yes, yes I do."

Moments after she said this, she heard a deafening squeal from the other side of the room.

"I told you, Grace! I knew it! Your daughter does love my son! Ha!"

"Yeah, yeah, Delia, shut up. Alright Serena, get some rest. You should be fine after another few weeks. Tell us if you need anything."

"Thanks mum."


Serena spent the next few weeks recovering from her injuries. The Master Class had long passed, meaning she would have to wait another whole year before keeping her promise to Delphox and Pangoro.

Once she was able to move she sat by Ash's side all day and all night, not resting. Day by day Ash stayed the same, unmoving. His body was almost completely shut off.

"Ash, please wake up soon. I need you in my life. I can't live without you."

Another week passed. Grace wanted to stay with her daughter but she had to go teach some children about riding Pokemon.

Delia, though being Ash's mother, gave up on him ever talking to her again. She believed he was beyond rescuing. She had already returned to Kanto, sad as ever. 

One day, Serena, who had fallen asleep from exhaustion, felt a light tap on her shoulder. She saw a doctor with a somber expression, trying her best to put up a decent face.

"Serena, correct? I'm sorry, you'll have to leave now."

"Why?" Serena responded dully.

"Mrs. Ketchum called. She said to, um, I don't know how to put it..."

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