Chapter 16

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A few years later~

The distinct chatter on a normal working day in the hospital was not the highlight as several  cries of pain were heard.

"Ma'am we have the epidural"

The doctor simply nodded as the lady on the wheel chair held her tummy in pain, her screams were blood curdling but the hospital staff was used to worse.

"Where is my husband?" SinJae managed to ask through gritted teeth.

"He's on his way" The doctor simply injected her after passing the information.

SinJae could feel the pain simmering down but the kicking got worse by each passing second.

She was slowley loosing conciousness and at this point it was risky so the doctor somehow had to keep her awake, The operating room looked the same, as last time as SinJae struggled to keep her eyes open.

Meanwhile Taehyung was hopping with a 3 year old on his shoulders along with a worried family of both his and his wife's.

"But dad I want to see her too"

"Not now Taekwon" Taehyung breathed and passed his son to his grandmom and rushed into the operating room.

He wanted to stop his thoughts as SinJae needed him, but he couldn't help thinking about the past, the fake reports and Soo being sued along with the pseudo doctor. How life had taken a turn but everything was okay later.

As he heard another scream from the ward he was supposed to enter, he hesitated, it was so surreal; he was married to the only girl he ever loved, and now he was having his second child with her.

"SinJae, Jagi I'm here" Taehyung clasped her hand tight. 

She visibly relaxed and took deep breaths as Taehyung hummed to her, it always worked, last time and now.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Kim, meet your baby girl" The doctor handed the clean baby to Taehyung after she noticed SinJae's tired figure.

The tears streaming down his cheeks as he saw his second child while the infant rapidly blinked at him, she was making it obvious that he was the happiest man at that moment. They asked him to leave and he left the room  as he knew all the formalities.

"Stop being such a baby" Taehyung's mom teased as she rubbed his back, soothing the overly emotional TaeTae.

"Can I see her appa?" Taekwon asked his dad as he nodded yes.

Taekwon was excited and he was really careful around the baby. Taehyung placed a kiss on the sleeping SinJae's forehead and then on his babies.

"Appa loves you" he whispered into his daughter, Taeguk's ear.

The hushing of nurses accompanied by Tae's grandma yelling at the overly excited Hoseok who was screaming and jumping around the halls of the hospital in excitement and the families hushed the rest of noisy bangtan who were cheering and chanting along the way as they finally reached the ward.

"TAETAEEEE AHHHHHH" they all rushed inside as the doctors approached to stop them, Taehyung calmly nodded at them to hush pointing at the sleeping baby and the sleeping mother. 

They all smiled and took chances to carry her.

"Wow she's so little" Yoongi whispered and passed her to Jin.

"I'm going to make her wear only pink clothes, right princess?" Jin passed Taeguk to Namjoon.

"Wow she is so pretty" Namjoon then passed her to Jungkook.

"Ye. Yeoppo." Jungkook had tears in his eyes meanwhile Hobi was bawling his eyes out as she was so pretty. 

Finally when it was Jimin's turn.

"YAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH KYEOPTAAAA, after all who's her uncle?" he smirked, but the tears in the corner of his eyes gave away. 




DEC 30 2016

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