Note: Most of these are changed slightly so that I don't have to include other people speakingThis pillow tastes like salt
My toe nails are so long I could probably stab someone with them. [friends name] come here let me stab you with my toe nails
[brothers name] your hair smells like chlorine and salt but it tastes only like salt. (Close enough to what was actually said)
*door blows open*
Go away wind nobody likes you
Friend: but you like the fan on
Yes, I like the fan but not the wind. (I couldn't think of a way to change this one to suit my lazy needs)Your leg is fluffy
We're much funnies
Too memesIf I die it must be by chocolate
I am always ridiculous
My hairbrush is farting, what the hell
SAND BOOBS (I have a feeling that I'm going to be questioned about this one)
Right in the fold of my noes
Why is noes spelt like toes or am I spelling it wrong (one of the many reasons I need glasses and sleep)
Mmmm stop bleeding, I don't like you blood
Oops I kicked stuff. This is why I shouldn't be allowed to human
Organise organise organise, THAT HAS THE WORD ORGANS IN IT
Friend: are you high?
ON LIFE, no don't touch meBut I am stupid
Friend: stripy butt, you've got a stripy butt (in response to my one stripy bikini, also she told me to put this in here)
(Here have a picture of a flat rock
For some reason I decided to edit this chapter while very tired and physically ill so there are probably lots of typos but I can't be bothered to fix them
My random book of stuff
RastgeleHi This book is basically so that I can rant and talk and and and and £(&/(&51&155/&&(/@):£;";&)@:&): and stuff Bye