That Dark Figure. Chapter Two.

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     Normal days in the small town the nights where filled with pain full silents, but tonight it was filled with the sounds of blades clashing together and sliding against one another. No one dared step out of there house, they all feared this unknown that surrounded and tortured them. The battle outside continued all night long. It was intense and the silence was so strong you could hear blood as it spattered onto the floor, there was no dialogue between the two unknown creators that fought outside only the clashing of their blades and spill of their blood. Day soon came and a police man was the first to step outside. 

     "Who's out here!?" The man screamed pulling out his gun he looked over to where the blade clashing sound was coming from and saw nothing but ash floating away in the breeze and a bright light that slowly faded away. He put his gun away and slowly walked over to the spot and saw large puddles of blood. Now that silence filled the town once more people began to escape from there homes. A woman and her child went to the park.

      "Every inch of this world is filled with so much fear." The mother said as she watched her child roll around in the grass with the dog. She began to read her book. Around seventeen minutes later her child came running to her.

     "Mommy Mommy!" The young boy yelled tugging at the ends of his mothers dress.

     "What is it dear?" The mother asked standing up and looking down to at her child.

     The child pointed over to the left over at someone who stood in the grass wearing a white cloak.

     The mother looked over to wear the child pointed, she saw a tall man who stood in the grass light surrounded the 6"2 man. But there was one thing was wrong, this man was wearing a cloak with silver on the end. He stood there looking back at the mother and child the wind blowing his cloak to the right, he stood there not moving not saying a word.

     The mothers eyes grew wide in pure horror and shock. "No." She muttered. "T-this cant be not another one." The woman slowly slipped down to her knees looking down at the floor and holding her head tears crashed onto the gray cement below her as she screamed in terror. "Why? Why must we be out through this torture! Why must they all come here! We just want peace they all must leave us to be in peace?' 

     The cloaked figure walked over to the woman crouching down and setting a hand on her head. "There is a great darkness in this small town, I have come to help." The man said he had a deep voice. "I mean you people no harm." He said smiling at the mother and her son.

      The woman's tears stopped, she lifted her head and looked at the man in his cloak she wiped her tears away. She watched as the man got up and walked away.


     Night fall soon came, it was as if the day had no meaning in this town. The dark figure was out. It was doing its strange patrol's around the town. In the city hall the man in the white cloak stood in the room, every citizen was there, he looked up at them all with a serious look on his face. "I have information for you all, on this Dark figure who is wondering in your happy little town."

      Every began to cry the man gave them all a bright smile and said in a calm kind voice. "You can all live in peace once more very soon. You see this Figure that walks you're streets is a major harm, at lest now a days. There is a legends on this Figure we all fear so much." The man in the white cloak being to flip through the pages of the book he stopped and pointed at a page smiling. "Here." He cleared his thought. "The legend of Kurochi." He said looking up at the crowd and speaking. "Once no more then a traveler this Figu-." He was cut off as a little girl stood up and slowly walked to the middle of the room.

     The people of this small town began to mutter to themselves the little girl looked over to the white cloaked man then turned so that her back was facing him.

     The girls long hair went from black to brown to red. Everyone fell silent and watched the girl, her hair dripped with what looked like blood she looked up at everyone tears fell out of her eyes, tears of blood. The girl looked around. "Daddy?" She asked. "Whats happening to me? It hurts, I don't have control over my body." She girl said more bloody tears ran down her cheeks creating a puddle on the floor. "Mommy, Daddy please help me!" The girl screamed as blood began to pour through her shoes and dripping out of her finger tips. "Mommy Daddy please it hurts! Please hep me mommy Daddy He-" The girl started but began to gag. Blood poured out of her mouth and her eyes began to bulge until they popped out of her head hanging out by the optic nerve. The girl fell to her knees her mouth was open but only a gurgling sound came out, other then that the room was silent. The little girl soon became silent she fell forward into her puddle of blood her body pale and motionless.

     3, the room went from silent to the soft sobs of sorrow filled people. 2, The tear slow began to turn into pure and utter range. 1, Chaos filled the room people ran around like crazy. Men and woman got into fist fights while the man in the white cloak tried to stop the chaos. The mother and father of the young girl where on their knees in front of her body sobbing like mad. The room began to small of the young females irony blood. This small chaos continued for another six minutes. Then the door opened slowly the loud creek it gave off was heard by everyone, they all stopped their fighting and looked to the door.

      Standing there was The Dark figure, it cloak blow around in the wind of the cold night. It stood outside the door way. The town became silent they all huddled together like penguin's on the coldest day of the year. The Figure looked up to the man in the white cloak then its head turned to the girl who lie on the floor. "I am here for a reason." It said in its undefinable voice it slowly walked to the girl picking her up but her bloody hair and lifting her. "I told you all to look for me no more yet you continued in your search." A black aura began to surround the Dark figure and the unearthly pressure began to fill the room. The Figure waving the dead girl around and then throwing her at the group of people and said, louder then before. "Do you all now understand what will happen to you when you look for me!"


Okay everyone thank you for bearing with me for these two chapters. I know its hard to read when i don't have a main character but next chapter we will have a main character. Also my newest book, Maree, its first chapter is almost ready to publish. Also if you have any ideas for this book or any others that i write please feel free to tell me. If I think it will fit in with the story and i will put it in dedicate that one chapter to you. :) Until next time

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