The Dark Figure. Chapter three.

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     Haru sat down outside of the city hall room he leaned his back on the wall by the door. He could hear the dark figure say  "Do you all now understand what will happen to you when you look for me!" Haru smiled and put on a gas mask covering one eye with the goggles and walking into the city hall. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a black tee shirt the hugged his muscular upper body and a black zip up jacket over that. He walked in slowly and everyone's attention was drawn to him. He walked slowly in front of the group of towns people.

     "W-who are you?" Asked the frustrated mother of the child who had just died.

     Haru smiled a unseen smile and lifted up the child walked her over to the chairs. He sat her down and pushed the chair in front of the group but a good 20 feet away. He stood behind the chair. "Do you all see this girl?" He asked.

     They all nodded at the same time.

     "Will the mother and father of this child please stand in front." Haru asked, the mother and father stood in front of their child tears rushed down there cheek. "She will fade away soon." Haru told them. "You both want a memory of her i know that." He turned around ripping off the girl's eyes and handing it to them he then picked up the girl putting her in the fathers arm. "You both a minute before she fades away." He told them putting the chair back. 

     The dark figure stood there watching, the man in the white cloak walked up behind the dark figure and grabbed its should. A loud screeching noise filled the room, the glass on Haru's goggles cracked. The screeching stopped once the man in the white cloak let go of the dark figure.

     Haru looked at the dark figure, its face was laced with darkness but he could see a red glow on its face. The figure pulled out a sword with a pale green blade it turned and faced the man in white. "You know not to fight me, you have been alive as long as i have you know what this world must go through, now is its time." The figure said in its strange voice.

    The man in the white cloak pulled out a sword with a gray blade. "You see I cannot let you do this." He told the figure. "God as told me to sto-" He was cut off.

     "Stop it with this 'God' bullshit." The figure said in a harsh unbearable voice it walked over to the man in the white cloak lifting its sword and quickly bringing it down upon the man.

      The man in the white cloak stopped the sword with his. "No you must stop hurting these people." He demanded.

     The figure pulled out another sword, this one with a pale red blade. It swung the blade at the mans right side.

      The man in the white cloak stopped the blade with his right hand, thick red blood dripped to the floor and rolled down the blade of the dark figures sword. The dark figure pushed the red bladed sword deeper into the mans hand the thick black aura around the dark figure grew larger.

      The man in the white cloak moved away staring at the figure. "I don't want to fight you."

      The dark figure took no notice to the mans words. It slide the pale green sword up the mans sword and pushed the red sword deeper into the mans hand.

       The man in the white cloak winced in pain and gasped as the green sword went into his left side he gulped looking at the figure. "Don't do this Kurochi." He begged.

      "You have no right to call me that anymore." The dark figure said harshly as both its blade glowed it fiery glow and the man in the white cloak let out a scream as the fire lapped at his skin.

        "You cannot do this, by God i command you to stop!" The man yelled as the figures green sword went deeper into his side.

      The dark figure watched coldly as the man coughed blood onto its cloak. The figure pulled the two swords away and slipped them back into their sheaths. The aura around the figure extended and long snake looking figures came from the figures cloak wrapping around the mans wrist lifting him into the air. Blood puddled onto the floor and the red and green fire slowly faded away. The dark figure dropped the man to the floor and walked away over to Haru. "Haru," It said its voice harsh. "come now." It said turning and walking to the door.

        Haru looked at the towns people an smiled insanely but it was hidden behind his gas mask as we walked behind the dark figure. "What a show." He said clapping.

        The figure walked through the doors "Do you think so?" It asked not looking back at the masked man.

        "You are bringing another era of fear through this world." Haru told the figure. "Just this one spreads faster the the last. Why is that?" 

        "The darkness spreads quicker this time." The figure said looking down at its hands.

        "Why this town?" Asked Haru. "What do you see here."

       "You poor child." The figure said. "This place may be small, weak, unknown and meaningless but soon it will be known to all." The figure said.  "My plan is to make this place mine." 

           "And lastly who was that man." Haru looked at the figure.

        "That mans is the one who will stop my plan when given the chance." The figure said.

         Haru looked to the figure. "They are here." Haru smiled. "Good luck." He said walking off.

          The figure looked up and around to see it was surrounded by military men and woman. "What may you all want from me?" It asked calmly.

           "We are here to stop you from the fear you have begun." One man said standing up and pointing a gun at the figure. "Shinigami no Kurochi" The man said and smirked "Reaper of black blood, you have come back but this time we will stop you."

          The figure walked over to the man. "The darkness is seeping in every corner of this world."' The figure told the man.

          "Well in sorry to tell you this world is round and has no corners." The man replied.

          The figure laughed then stopped going silent. "In every inch of your life darkness follows and it has now caught up sir." The figure cleared its through " If only you could fly. It saidas think, dark shadows began to rolled up the mans legs.

          "No...." The man whispered his eyes grew wide and tears started to slowly roll down his cheeks the darkness went up to his waist. "No you cant do this, God took this power away from you." He said and extended his arm his hand grasping for the figure. "Shinigami no Kurochi!" He yelled as his hand groped for the figure tears rolled down his cheeks faster. "I beg you for my life, I know i have done wrong but please forgive me and spare my life." He plead.

        The figure shook its head. "I'm sorry sir but I'm not killing you for the bad you have done but for what you know." It said as the darkness reached the rest of the man as if frozen he stood there his arm extended.

        The military opened fire on the figure, the bullets impacted the figure but it did no more then raise its arm. "Do you all want to see him disappear?" It asked walking behind the man and flicked the back of his head, the man shattered and feel to the floor turning into a black puddle.

     Everyone froze unable to believe what they where now seeing. One woman walked behind the figure, pulling out a small dagger and cutting the figure arm right under the shoulder. The figure emitted a screeching sound, the woman's ears bleed. The figures arm ejected black blood, the military began to shoot once more.

      "Anata wa subete no bunrui sa remasu!" The figure harsh, unbearable voice screeched in Japanese as the bullets pushed in and out of the figures body. The figure rose its hand once more and the guns the military held exploded in their hands. The figure turned into ask and disappeared.


For all you who don't speak Japanese 'Anata wa subete no bunrui sa remasu' means you will all fall. Everything i write that's in a different language will be in italics and i will tell you what it means at the end of the chapter. The picture on the side is Haru by the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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