Omake; Chrome Is Pregnant?!

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I know it is completed and finished.

However, somebody pinpoint a part which I forgot to explain here.

In the chapter 2, The Chrome part.....

" Whoops?! Chrome is pregnant? Who is the father?! "

You better find it out from here. And please don't read the comment on that chapter. I know it is a spoiler so if you want to enjoy this, don't read the comments you will get scarred for your whole life because of the spoilers.

Just read this omake already! Safe read!


A week after the incident...

It was still early in the morning when a man stomped his way into a certain brunet's office. He pushed the door... No. He slammed the door open which get a brunet to wake up from his slumber. A whine came out from him.

" No again, Gokudera-kun. How many times I told you to stop delivering the one piece of hell here... "

The brunet rubbed his eyes as he lifted his head from the heap of paperworks. He flinched a bit to see a familiar face glaring at him like there was no tomorrow. He shrunk into the mess.

" Err.. Hi, there a problem? " he asked and tried to smile brightly at his Cloud guardian. However the smile dumped as the man shot him another glare of the demon. Ah.. Talking about the demon here...

" Omnivore... " He said, seemed serious. Tsuna, the Vongola Tenth boss just gulped. Bad mood meant bad luck, Tsuna. Hibari continued as he leaned forward. " Why you send Dokuro for a dangerous mission? "

Tsuna blinked for a while before he got what Hibari meant about. He smiled bitterly. " Huh?...did something bad happened to her? "

Hibari hardened his glare and made the poor boss to yelp in fright. Just what the heck happened to him..

" Don't you know, omnivore? " Tsuna was shaking a bit to sense the mood.

" About what? "

Silence ruled the place. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Without another words, Hibari took out his infamous tonfas which he had been keeping for the strong opponent and today, Tsunayoshi was the victim.

Tsuna backed away from the desk as he tried to calm him down. " Woah! Hibari! Stop! Okay. I really don't get it! Please explain! "

Out of nowhere, a mist appeared beside the brunet. Sharp thing headed toward him as the figure chuckled. " Kufufufu ~ Tsunayoshi, why did you sent my dearest Nagi into a stupid mission? "

Right now, Tsuna was confused and panicked. He almost shouted as he told them to calm down.

" Fine! Just tell me what is wrong with the arrangements? "

Before he could breath, the two madmen answered, surprisingly in sync.

" Nagi/Dokuro is pregnant. "

There was a pure silence between them. Tsuna had the feelings that he was going to die today. But, one thing did curious him and it was...

" Wait! Why both of you are bothered by it?! I mean- I understand if it was Mukuro but why Hibari-san too?! "

Hibari just glared icily at him while Mukuro chuckled in amusement.

In a cold and serious way, the Cloud replied, " I'm the father. "

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