Chapter 3

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Kyel stood over Ai as she lay in the hospital bed, un-moving and pale. Akira was on the other side of the bed.

"What was going through your head?" Kelly was sleep next to her mother on the bed. "You've ruined our daughters chance at getting to know her mother!"

"Ai isn't Kelly's mother!" Akira was furious. No scrap that, he was loathing his brother in-law. "She's too young to be a mother. She wasn't ready to be a mother."

Kyel watched as there was a slight movement in Ai's fingers and then it stopped. Kelly snuggled closer to her mother. "You haven't seen the smile that lights up Ai's face that I have when I see her with Kelly."

The anger that was boiling in Akira's never went down to a simmer.

The teenager scoffed. "I just want my sister back, we'll be the Alpha Twins."

"Alpha Twins? She doesn't want that. She wants to be Alpha, it's depressing that you think she'll resort to Beta." Kyel placed a soft kiss on his daughters forehead.

"She can never be Alpha she knows that." Akira sneered at Kyel. "How you - a Vampire - became Beta and my sisters Mate, I will never know, but I will never accept you." And with that, the young wolf stormed out waking Kelly in the process.


To: Eric

Your pup needs to calm down. I'm worried about him.


Kyel placed his phone in his pocket and attempted to relax in the plastic chair beside Ai's hospital bed.

Wake up soon, babe, please . . . He leaned forward in his chair and rested his head in his hands.

Kelly had been picked up earlier, by Bianca.

"You're gonna die from lack of blood, Kyel." Eric's voice rang through the room. "Thanks for the text, about Akira."

"It's no problem."

"You've been my friend for a very long time, Kyel." The Vampire glanced at the Alpha. "I wanna help you through this, just like you helped me when Claire left."

"she never did live up to her names meaning, did she?" Kyel laughed.

"Clear and bright, and you're right, she didn't." Eric chuckled along with his best friend. "I'm sorry about Akira, I don't understand what's gotten in to him."

"His only sister, and twin, is Mated to a vampire."

Eric sighed and sat beside his best friend. "That is a terrible excuse, Kyel, and you know that."

"Even so," Kyel looked at the unconscious Were. "I'm worried about the twins. I know Ai hates being bundled with her brother, but I feel like I'm the one tearing them apart."

"If you ask Ai, she'd say you've gone crazy; but if you ask Akira, he might agree with you."

"But if you ask either my father, or myself, we'd both tell you that when they Mated they were going to grow apart." Jackson walked in to the hospital with a girl that was younger than him by a few years.

"The twins were growing apart when they started high school. You could see Ai longingly watching the Goth's and you knew she wasn't going to stay with the Jocks for much longer.

"My name is Faye, the twins know we as Jessica."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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