Chapter 4 - Through Death Valley

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As the last echoes of the bell faded, and his music began, Lexie felt the icy chill of fear begin to engulf her. Her mouth went dry, her legs barely kept her upright. Her stomach plummeted as he walked out at the top of the walkway. It became a struggle to breath, and she was fairly sure the color was gone from her face. She tried to marshal her thoughts, and marshal they did, except every ounce of her being was screaming to run, to get the hell out of that ring. She had made a very, very big mistake, trying to mind game The Undertaker out of keeping her as his apprentice. Now she had what she wanted, Lexie realized with her stomach churning, she didn't want it. She didn't want to fight The Undertaker, because, as he'd known all along, she was going to lose.

As he reached the steps, and climbed them, Lexie took a step back. She looks terrified, he thought to himself. Stupid girl. Another voice said to have some sympathy for the girl, she was doing what she felt was right, but he shut it down quickly. She got herself in to this. She can get herself out. He completed his whole entrance routine, before fetching a microphone and turning to face her. He could almost smell the fear as she regarded him with suspicious eyes when she stepped forwards.

"Let it never be said that I am not a gentleman, however foolish this errand of yours may be. I will allow you the first blow. My hands will remain behind my back, and you may throw whatever you like at me for your first move. After that...well...the fight will be on." He gave her the special, thin smile he reserved for his enemies. He watched as she nodded, wary as he put the microphone back at the side of the ring. The bell rang. She paused as he turned around, waited till he was dead central, and ran at him. Or rather, past him. She went past him, and he resisted the urge to clothesline the girl. She rebounded off the ropes, came back, rebounded again and ran at him this time. Except, this time, he was treated to her using the momentum to literally walk up him, and give him an enziguri to the back of the head, surprising him and knocking his calm air out of the window. He stumbled, she hit the deck and got back to her feet. The pair looked at each other, and Undertaker assessed the situation anew, silencing the surprise of the crowd in his mind. The look in the girls eyes clearly said she was in fight or flight mode, and flight wasn't an option. He was the predator, she was the prey, and this prey had no intention of getting caught. They began to circle each other, and the fight began.

Normal wrestling matches started, for the most part, with the opponents locking up, and one getting the other in some kind of hold, or pushing their opponent back in to the corner. The moment Undertaker locked hands with Lexie, he didn't force her back in to a corner, he simply twisted his young opponents arm behind her back, surprise making her cry aloud.

"You wanted this match, you got it," he said, close to her ear. "Now scream for me." He couldn't see the look on her face change from surprise to anger.

"Never," she growled, and whipped her head backwards. It connected with the side of his, making him release her, before she whipped round and forearm smashed him as he stood there, blinking the daze from her head butt away. He rocked on his feet, but stayed put.

They circled once again. Again they came together, and this time Undertaker simply scooped her up and side slammed her, before attempting a pin. With plenty of life left in her, she kicked out almost immediately. He laughed as winded, she tried to crawl away and get to her feet.

She could barely breathe, and crawled towards the ropes, met by CM Punk.

"Jordan, just...just let him pin you and let it all be over...he's going to hurt you," He protested as The Undertaker stood watching, a smile on his face.

"I can't...I can't let...him win," she gasped, grabbing at the ropes to haul herself up. She cursed as the man strode over, barely breaking a sweat, and began to twist her arm.

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