Chapter 14 - Well, That Hurt

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Every time they came to the arena together, Undertaker wondered if it would be the day everyone found out about them, about their relationship. He also wondered if it would be the day that Roman snapped and punched him in the face, but that weighed less on his mind than the new predicament with Lesnar did. Not only that, it was clearly taking its toll on Lexie. The closer it got to Wrestlemania, the more at ease she seemed, the more nervous she was backstage. She barely left his side, and even Roman had noticed and was being much nicer than usual to her. Then again, Undertaker had often thought to himself, the man had practically admitted he was in love with her.

Two weeks before Wrestlemania Lexie was backstage on her own, Undertaker had gone to take care of some last minute details, and see if he could get her out of being ringside if at all possible. She sat quietly, keeping to herself and playing with her phone.

"Well well, what do we have here? Taker's girl, all alone?" said a voice. Lexie was on her feet in seconds, her head whipping round to see who was there. She was greeted with the sight of Brock Lesnar stood smugly leaning against a metal column.

"I am not his girl. I am his apprentice, nothing more." She growled.

"Ah, think maiden doth protests too much," He said, standing up and walking towards her.

"I don't care what you think we are NOT an item." Her voice was like ice as he walked forwards.

"See, that's the thing. He might be able to hide how he feels about you, after all he's had years of practice. He's pretty good at remaining impassive. But you...that's another matter. You can't hide the way you look at him, the little give away signs as you talk to him. Does Roman know, I wonder?" He asked, and Lexie found herself backing up against the wall. "No, of course he doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't be holding back from wanting to rip Undertaker's head off. Or maybe he would, it's clear he's head over heels for you. Maybe he loves you enough to hold back on pummelling him"

"Go fuck yourself." Lexie responded in disgust.

"No thanks, I'm not in to that. I get my pleasure in other ways. Like ripping people down in the prime of their careers. Taking things that should be mine. Hurting those my enemies love." He said with a sick grin. "I'm not sure if you know, but you're in my spot right now, Lexie. I was supposed to be his apprentice. So if I have to hurt him, by taking you down, I will do to get a little pay back." He gave her a clap on the shoulder, and walked off. As he rounded the corner, Lexie felt herself release all the energy it had taken to stay in control in front of him, and sunk down against the wall, breathing fast. Wrestlemania was going to kill her, she knew it.

After her match that evening, Lexie desperately just wanted to go back to the hotel. But she had arrived with Undertaker, and had to wait for him to get back. She watched in catering as Undertaker and Lesnar had a confrontation in the ring, Dean and Seth accompanying her as Roman got ready for his own match. Dean got up to get a drink, and Seth got the chance to speak to her alone.

"Are you ok, Lexie? You don't seem yourself lately, not since the incident with Lesnar." He asked. Lexie sighed, and shook her head.

"I'm not really Seth. I just...there's so much going on right now, and this is my first Wrestlemania, it's a lot for me to adjust to." She replied, her eyes not leaving the TV screen.

"And what with you and Taker being an item, you're probably worried sick about him." He added. Lexie turned to look at Seth so quickly it hurt.

"Us? An item? You are being ridiculous right don't believe a word I'm saying do you?" she replied, and faltered at the look Seth was giving her as she rubbed her neck.

"Roman and Dean might be oblivious as all hell, but I'm not. I know. I'm also not going to say a damn word. It's not my place to do so. But if you need a friendly ear, I'm here for you." He said, putting a friendly hand on her arm.

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