Chapter 19 - It's Yours

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Once she returned to the USA, she was much like when Undertaker had first met her. Wild, rebellious, she had that fire that had made him fall for her, and he found himself falling again. Except, now he had a problem. He needed to get her to see his side of things, but she wouldn't even entertain him with the thought of talking about the issue. She didn't want to know. Undertaker figured he'd lost her and was all ready to give up and just let her go. He'd passed the buck back to Hunter to fix her matches, and it was then that he noticed something else, and the more he thought about it, the more obvious it became. Someone else wanted his approval, and that someone was none other than Bray Wyatt. He remembered back in the Royal Rumble when Bray had been quick to help her out of the ring, and had almost enjoyed doing it. Over the months since, every time Undertaker had been in the building, it seemed like Bray would step up his game. So he felt a little alarmed when Hunter decided to book Bray Wyatt VS Jordan in a No Disqualification match for Summerslam that year.

"I don't like it, not one bit, Hunter." He said as he spoke to the man in his office that night.

"Look, Bray might be a little eccentric, but he's a good opponent for Jordan." Hunter replied. "He's got similar technique, they feed off each other well, it'll be fine."

"It bloody well won't, and you know it. He wants my approval, and I'm pretty certain he feels he has to get rid of her to get it." Undertaker leant forwards, an arm resting on the desk and in turn supporting his head.

"The tone of your voice suggests he'll never be that lucky."

"He won't. I'd never give it to him. There's only one person I'd give that to." Undertaker realised he'd been digging his fingernails in to his hand at the thought of Bray Wyatt getting the golden ok from him, and shook his head as he released them.

"Speaking of that person, are you going to actually tell her you've already given her it, or are you going to keep that quiet?" Hunter looked at his friend with a frown, which vanished as his friend returned his gaze with pained eyes.

"Not yet. How can I, when it's the only reason she wants to be near me right now? I can't...I can't let her go just yet Hunter. I screwed up, I need to make it right."

"You know hiding behind this holy grail of you giving the golden thumbs up isn't going to do either of you any good." He said, sitting down opposite his friend and pouring himself another coffee. "When are you just going to tell her? Tell her you fucked up, you made a mistake and you want to try again, if she will let you?" He fixed Undertaker with an eyebrow reminiscent of The Rock, and the man gave a small laugh.

"I don't know, Hunter. What's to say she will even let me talk to her about that?"

"You know, and I know, that she still has a soft spot for you. She'll hear you out at least."

"There's next to no chance of that happening." Undertaker muttered under his breath.

Bray seemed delighted with the match, however. Undertaker found out just how much when he bumped into the man after a match of Lexie's.

"Undertaker, what a pleasure it is to see you." He said with a smile.

"Bray." Undertaker nodded to the man.

"You seem concerned about your apprentice." Bray said, falling in to step with him.

"A little. She's acting out somewhat, but I'll manage it. I have done it before."

"Please, don't worry. I'll bring her back in to the fold once again. It's a...specialty...I have."

"And that is exactly why I worry, Wyatt." Undertaker looked at the man menacingly. "Let me make this clear. After Summerslam, don't you get any ideas about dragging her anywhere like you have with your past opponents. You will bring her to me. Nowhere else. You don't cart her off to wherever you've got your film crew deposited. She comes to me. Am I crystal clear?"

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