3) Knight's Farm

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A few minutes later, the car turned off the narrow country road and onto a gravel lane. They were travelling through fields now and the gravel beat a metallic chatter on the car's underside. Across the dark fields the moon hung low and red in the sky. Lester craned his neck looking for their destination and soon caught sight of lights emanating from a farmhouse in the distance to their left. The driver slowed the vehicle and took them down another, smaller lane that appeared to lead to the house.

"A farm?" Lester said, his face contorted.

Maggie shrugged. "What were you expecting? A mysterious gated mansion?"

Lester chuckled unconvincingly. "Well, actually, yeah."

"Life isn't a movie, Lester."

He looked at her inquisitively and paused, then laughed. "No," he said, "I guess not. I just hope the animals don't join in the party."

As the house began to grow in view, Lester cast a glance over his shoulder. The red glow of the limo's taillights appeared to ignite the dust cloud they left in their wake. He felt somehow sandwiched between that cloud and the low moon that seemed to rest in the fields before them. For the first time he had a moment of unease about the new territory he was crossing into tonight. He glanced at Maggie, almost hoping that she appeared fearful or uncertain, but she continued to gaze out the window with apparent quiet calm. He searched his mind for some thought that would bring reassurance and spike his confidence once more. You're Lester Latroy, he thought. The Bitch Whisperer. He smirked. That was more like it.

Lester peered out at the dark fields and could vaguely discern hulking cattle grazing through the wire fences.

"A ranch?" he asked aloud.

They drove between a pair of lighted pillars and the sound of gravel was replaced by the distinct whisper of rubber on cobblestone. The driveway dovetailed into a circular courtyard whose intricate stonework glistened opulently beneath moon and classically styled black cast iron street lamps. Ahead, the farmhouse was similarly styled. Spot lamps about its perimeter underlit the building gently. It was an old and grand stone structure with painstakingly maintained brickwork. Dense patches of climbing ivy ascended about its edges, diverting laterally at the roofline, underscoring it in rich green. Light emanated from a number of curtainless windows but Lester saw no one move within.

"A little more like I expected after all." Lester said.

By the time the driver pulled up alongside the farmhouse and killed the engine, Lester had forgotten his moment of irrational doubt. He sat straight in his seat and there was a sparkle in his eyes once more. Maggie turned to him and he returned her gaze with a wink.

"All good, Babe?"

"All good."

The driver went to the rear door on Maggie's side of the car and held it open. Lester elected to exit through his own door just in case the driver had taken his earlier comments personally. He leaned on the roof and called across to her.

"So," he said. "Are you coming with us, Beautiful?" He flashed her a grin and gave her his playful eyes.

She smirked. She couldn't help herself, he thought. He was likely forgiven.

"Maybe later, Mr. Latroy. I have some driving to do first."

"I'll keep you a seat on my lap." He laughed.

"I'm sorry," Maggie said. "He's incorrigible."

"He must be compensating," the driver said, looking him in the eye.

Lester pointed a finger. "Don't make me show you."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Latroy. This way please, both of you."

Lester started toward the foliage-lined path that led to the house's front door. The driver stopped. "Not that way Mr. Latroy. The gathering occurs in the barn." She turned again and crossed the courtyard, headed for a second path that led past the house and toward its rear.

"The barn?" Lester looked at Maggie, face crumpled. "Please tell me you're kidding."

Over her shoulder the driver called, "Don't worry Mr. Latroy. This isn't the kind of barn you're thinking of."

Lester leaned over Maggie's shoulder. "How many kinds of barn are there?" Maggie shrugged. She hooked an arm through Lester's and they followed.

The night was still and the air fresh. He could smell the aroma of newly cut grass and heard the distant rumble of some farmyard machinery beneath the occasional call of a night owl. Crickets sang from their places amongst the growth beyond the path. After they had walked a while the gentle sound of orchestral music reached their ears. They crested a hill and beneath them the path fell downward to a large wooden structure. It was the barn, perfectly maintained, painted in red, with a black sloping roof and gentle light visible emanating from a round window in its front. Small spotlights dotted the ground in front of the building and a sliver of light escaped from the behind the leading edge of the large entry door.

The driver continued down the path in silence while Lester and Maggie followed behind. When she reached the doors she stopped and turned, waiting for them to catch up. "Why so slow, Mr. Latroy? You're not going to chicken out are you?" She laughed her chesty laugh.

"Just taking in the air," Lester offered, regarding the barn with uncertainty.

"You'll be fine. Your girlfriend can protect you." She laughed again and drummed on the door. The music was discernible now. It was something classical. Lester didn't know the names of any of that stuff. It was low and moody though.

The door swung open and Lester's eyes widened. He leaned forward in surprise for the woman who emerged through the door was physically identical to the driver.

"God liked you so much he made two of you?" Lester grinned at the pair.

"This is my sister. She'll take you both inside." She clapped a heavy hand on Lester's shoulder. There was some venom concealed in the action and it stung. Lester disguised a wince. "You better hope I don't take you up on that offer of a warm spot on your lap, Mr. Latroy," she said, setting off back in the direction they had come.

The door-lady was dressed like her sister had been, formal and masculine. "Good evening," she said. "Before entry I have to ask that you surrender any cellphones or cameras you have on your person."

"You are fucking kidding, right?" Lester said. "We're in the middle of nowhere. We're about to walk into a barn. And you want us to hand over our phones?"

She regarded him patiently. "The phone isn't the problem, Mr. Latroy. It's the camera that almost invariably goes with the phone nowadays. I'm sure you can understand that people value absolute privacy on matters such as these?"

Lester paused and looked at Maggie. She appeared calm.

"It's obligatory, Mr. Latroy. It is not too late to catch my sister if you would prefer to leave."

Lester contemplated a moment. He reminded himself of why he was here and the skills of persuasion he had employed to be here. He remembered his pride was at stake. He listened to the music being carried out through the open door and thought about what awaited them inside. He regarded the calm and professional, although in his opinion hideously masculine demeanor of the woman in front of him. He remembered who he was. The Bitch Whisperer. He smiled. "Give her our stuff, Babe."


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