5) Why are you here?

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Lester turned to see the owner of the voice enter their booth. She was a woman of perhaps fifty, striking in features and beauty. Her eyes were the first thing he noticed, piercing and alive and perhaps even dangerous. They were a pale blue, like something sun-bleached. The candlelight reflected in them giving them an ethereal quality as they sparkled above her high cheekbones. She appeared to come from money, or good breeding, or both. The dark hair was tightly tied back and secured in a bun, her makeup minimal but effective in enhancing her best features. She stood tall in a black evening dress, the plunge front revealing a high and taut bosom. She had a presence that made Lester feel intimidated in a way he liked.

"Not Mr. and Mrs," Lester said. His arm loosened around Maggie.

"My mistake," she said without missing a beat. The eyes and the smile remained fixed on them. "Not yet, you mean?"

Lester paused, stuttered and turned to Maggie with a smile. "No... well... of course." He removed his arm from about Maggie and put a light hand her thigh. "Mrs. Lester to be," he said.

Maggie smiled softly. "We have talked about it."

"And what a fine union it will be," the woman said. "Both so young and in love." She smiled and looked at each of them, her gaze absorptive. "First things first, however. Tonight is a night for fun."

Lester grinned.

"First let me introduce myself," the woman said. "I am Katarina Knight." She spread her arms. "My family owns the establishment you find yourself in." Her movement accentuated the exposed flesh of her cleavage and Lester found himself staring.

"Yes, Mr. Latroy," she said with a smile. "Those are mine too, I assure you."

Lester diverted his eyes to her face. He felt himself flush a little in the darkness. He laughed and glanced at Maggie who seemed unphased or unsurprised.

"Oh, no need for embarrassment, Mr. Latroy," she said. "Like your phone, it is something of a necessity that we check our inhibitions at the door, wouldn't you say?"

Lester ran a hand through his hair and attempted to recompose himself. "I'm not embarrassed." He smiled and realized his eyes had wandered to her cleavage again. He shook his head and looked at the table.

"You'll get the hang of it, Mr. Latroy." She smiled. "Do you mind if I sit?" She gestured at the space beside Lester.

"Please do," Lester said. He shuffled himself around the bench toward Maggie but created less space than he could have. He found he wanted Mrs. Knight to squeeze herself into the seat. There was a predatorial instinct in him and she stoked it.

She moved with quiet confidence. As she turned Lester saw the candlelight glistening on the flawless skin of her back and shoulders. The dress plunged dangerously to waist level and the curve of her spine stopped frustratingly close to an ass that Lester found he wanted very much to see. He felt like a teenager being schooled by an attractive teacher. She dropped gracefully into the chair beside him and he felt her body brush against him. Her hand paused briefly on his thigh and then went to the tabletop. Sweat pricked his back. He felt blood rush to his face and to his loins all at once.

She turned to face them and he could smell her perfume. It was something delicate but intoxicating. It was a scent that conjured in him thoughts of mysterious femmes and exotic lands.

"It is your first time at a soiree such as this?" she asked.

"Yes," Lester responded. He turned to Maggie. "First time for both of us."

"How wonderful," she said. Her accent was not one Lester could place. It sounded European maybe. "A very exciting time for you both, yes?" She regarded them both carefully.

"Very," Lester said. "Right Babe?" He turned to Maggie who nodded and smiled but said nothing.

"You don't seem sure, Miss...?"

"Marshall," Maggie said.

"So how did you come to embark on this adventure together?" Her eyes remained on Lester.

"It's something I wanted to try. Maggie was a little unsure to start with, but she's a keeper." He turned and smiled to Maggie. "She was willing to try for me. What a gal, huh?"

"She sounds like a keeper, Lester. Hold onto a girl like that. A man needs a woman who will be cognizant of all of his urges, correct? Not just the ones she enjoys."

"That's what I told her. She's not the kind of girl who only thinks of herself. That's the kind of girl you want to keep close."

"Very wise thinking Mr. Latroy. My husband would say you are a man after his own heart."

"Is he around?" He hoped not.

"Oh, of course. You may even have seen him. He never misses one of our little gatherings. If you haven't seen him, you will before the evening ends." She paused and her expression became businesslike. "You say that this was something you always wanted to do. Might I ask exactly what it is you came to do? As you can clearly see, there are many different tastes catered to."

Lester paused and looked at Maggie. She dropped her eyes. "Well," he began. "I wanted to see Maggie... you know." He shifted uncomfortably. Her gaze was intense upon him. He felt like a plant under desert sun.

"Come on, Mr. Latroy. Don't be shy." Her voice softened. He felt intoxicated by her.

"I uh..." He paused, and looked into the eyes that remained fixed on him. "I wanted to see Maggie with another guy."

"Wasn't that easy?" she chided. She turned to Maggie. "A very common request, Miss Marshall. Many men feel this way. You can handle it, can't you?"

Lester turned to look at Maggie. She shrugged. "What can be so difficult?"

"Exactly, Miss Marshall," she said. "You will go far in life with an attitude like that. And I mean it when I say you should be grateful."

"Grateful?" Maggie asked.

"Oh absolutely. You're not a virgin, are you?"

Lester chortled.

"No," Maggie said.

"And Mr. Latroy isn't your first?"


"So, frankly what is one more penis?" She grinned widely. "Once you've taken one, you can take a hundred. And believe me when I say there aren't any around here that you need to fear in terms of their size."

She laughed and Lester followed. He turned to regard Maggie. She was smiling too.

"In my time I have heard of much more outlandish desires. Much more uncomfortable fantasies. This will be very easy. Hence, I say you are lucky. Don't worry at all. You're ready? You don't want to wait a while or anything?"

Lester's eyes widened. It was really going to happen so easily? It was like she was asking for a glass of water.

Lester looked at Maggie. He was half expecting her to balk. Perhaps to panic or cry, but she agreed quietly. "I'm ready."

"Wonderful," she said. "A keeper if ever I met one. Now, each of you watch this."


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Remember to read the next part!  Things are just warming up!


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