Tagged mao~

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Okay here is 13 facts about me.

1. I sleeps late and got scolded when my parents found out.

2. I am a forgetful person.

3. I'm a girl.

4. I got ideas everyday but forgot to write them down.

5. I'm near-sighted, so I wear glasses.

6. I play my phone under my blanket when everyone in my family asleep.

7. I like mathematics actually but the formulas just don't stick in my mind. That's why I failed math.

8. I likes most animals except for pigs.

9. I'm an Asian.

10. I used to have a crush but now it only feels sour in my heart.

11. I won't help people until they guilty-tripped. (My father always do that to me)

12. I have a habit to daydreaming when I shouldn't have like when teacher is teaching or talking wih people.

13. I like my family hugs me but I will never admit it to them.

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