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I'M UPDATING! WOO HOO! Sorry it took me forever. I was in a writing slump!



So I guess you could say that since that phone call, my already strained parental bond was becoming almost paper thin.

Having to call my mother and father while they were away in Panama, where they were so obviously avoiding me, was difficult. Especially when I was sobbing the words

"He's gone! Tommy is gone!"

Tommy's death was the only time I'd felt compassion from my parents, well from my father at least. He soothed me over the phone and told me they'd be home immediately, to not worry.

As soon as he walked in the door two days later he'd given me a giant bear hug as well as a kiss to the cheek. To many young girls this might be normal, to me it was like a miracle. The last time my father hugged me I was seven and had just one my first spelling bee. I'd beaten a rival surgeon of my fathers, son John. It was something my father could flaunt in front of John's father and to others and that made him proud.

My mother on the other hand, walked up and smacked my face.

"You jealous little snip! My Thomas does not have a substance abuse problem. I can't believe you are so jealous of him in death, that you had to make up something like this. Something so callous and hateful!"

That's all my mother has said to me in the last three weeks. Even the day we drove up to the Wellness facility, even as Tommy's psychologist told us his drug issues in detail. My mother never apologized. To her Thomas's death was accidental, to her, he was perfect. And me? Well I was just her 17 year old roommate.

My mother hadn't been out in almost a month. No dinners, country clubs, no galas or charity events and no club gatherings. People were starting to wonder, what happened to Erica Potter?

My father on the other hand, was the opposite. Buried in work, he was rarely home, he was rarely in the same vicinity of the Potter household. On the off chance he did come home it was scattered hours and he always left looking as he'd come, haggard and deflated.

When I was sixteen and my brother was moving out, I was terrified. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle my parents without Thomas as a buffer.

I'd brought this up to my brother and he'd suggested emancipation. A divorce from my parents.

"Are you serious? No judge within a twenty mile radius would grant me that. They wouldn't believe that idealistic James and Erica Potter aren't adoring parents."

Thomas had pondered what I'd said. "True but I'd witness for you. And every judge within a twenty mile radius loves me." He flashed me a deep dimpled grin. That's true, they did, but then.... Who didn't? Everyone loved my brother.

I shook my head. "It'll cause a scandal, it'll damage their carefully constructed image." I picked at the lent on my dark wash jeans, trying to avoid my brothers knowing eyes. He knew me. He knew I wasn't adventurous, he knew I couldn't handle long committed, lasting decisions.

"Omlette, you have to decide for YOU. For your future, your life. Not their social standings." I smiled at the nickname. I loved Denver Omelettes and seeing as my name is Denver, he thought the nickname was hilarious.

He gave me a kiss on the head and walked out of the house.

Now Tommy is not only moved out but..... deceased. It's almost painful to live with my parents. So lately I've been thinking about emancipation. But I'm also seventeen, my senior year starts in a couple of weeks. I'm jobless... I'm just hoping I can hold tight, in this poisonous pit of a home for ten months. Then college, hopefully an out of state, hopefully an other side of the country college.

»»»»«»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» TWO WEEKS LATER

It's the night of Harry Mills infamous, End of Summer party. It's wild and every year it gets wilder. I've had a crush on Harry since I was nine. I thought he was the coolest and most handsome boy ever! Right behind Just Cambell that is. Justin was quite where Harry was loud. Justin was dark where Harry was light. Meaning Justin had ink black hair and ice blue eyes and something about him said 'Stay back!' even at nine years old. Harry on the other hand, had sandy blond hair and light hazel eyes, along with a welcoming aura.

I was always to shy to speak to either one of them. So nothing every came from having a crush on them. I had come to accept at the young age of nine, that I'd never run along with Harry and laugh at every little thing or share my lunch with Jake as we sat in content silence.

But tonight I was going out, tonight I was doing something my brother would've loved for me to do. I was going to Harry Mills party. I was going to get drunk and I was going to be a regular seventeen year old. I was going to LIVE.

And in order to do that, I had to get dressed. In something besides my "I'm severely depressed sweats".

I don't know what I'd do without TeenVouge and Seventeen magazine. I wouldn't have been able to plan an amazing party outfit with either.

I had a bright aqua spaghetti top tucked in a lace-like blush rose colored skirt. Sealed with a braided belt, paired with light brown thick heels and a variety of bracelets. I loved this look. It's perfect for the weather and it's totally my style, it's totally me. Fashion, telling what pairs well and what doesn't I wasn't very good at.

But makeup, I was surprisingly good with. I loved doing makeup and buying it. So getting to the makeup portion of getting dressed always took the longest and what is my favorite part.

I decided to put my hair in a loose ponytail.

Saying that my brother was my best friend was a lie. He was my only friend! I didn't engage or was even noticed by anyone at school, so technically I wasn't even invited to this party. But seeing as how my entire high school as well as our rival high school were both going to be at this shindig, I don't believe anyone would notice my party crashing presence.

Boy, was I wrong.


Hey! I hope you liked this chapter! Hopefully chapter three will be longer! :-)

Picture of Denvers outfit to the side

Live. Laugh.Love

Sparklingglass <3

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