Where Were You When I Needed You?

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"You know Maria, sometimes you have to make a choice that's gonna better somebody else and that's exactly what I did. I'm gonna stand against everything the Miz stands for. Everything. He. Represents. And at the end of the day, I'm hoping to take him down a peg or two," Mercedes spoke confidently into the mic Maria Menounous had placed in front of her lips

"And I-," she started before a led pipe connected with the back of her head. She fell forward and grabbed the back of her head as Miz and Maryse reigned hit after hit on her face where she tried to cover her face and protect her body parts.

The ref pulled them off of Mercedes and they yelled at her as she removed her hand from her head to her ribs that were aching from the kicks from Maryse heeled boot

Mercedes moaned in pain and slowly grunted as she pushed herself with slight force, she pushed herself to lean against the wall.

She pulled off her wrist tape and flung it away

"Oh my God! Cedes!" She heard a familiar voice screech before his buff body came into view

"Are you okay?!" He asked alarmed at the look on her face

"Where were you?" She whispered searching his face for a sign

"I-I," he began

"Where were you Dean? You should've been here for me, I'm doing this for you and your not interested in my well-being? Screw it, whatever," Mercedes said, slowly raising herself to her legs, she sighed as she made it to stand steadily.

She looked at Dean and huffed before she started to march to the trainer's room to see if she had a concussion

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