Do You Love Me?

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Time Skip

10 Months Later

Mercedes and Seth were still happy together. Seth always made sure she was comfortable and happy with whatever they did.

But Seth always had one trivial thought running through his mind constantly

Did she love him?

He never wants to ask because her answer is always the same

"Not yet."

It makes Seth's heart flutter to think that someday, she would.

But on their 10 month anniversary, he needed to ask. Because to him, if she didn't love him yet. There wasn't a chance she would ever love him.

So he decided to grow a pair and just ask her.

"Sugar?" He called to her

She smiled from her place in the kitchen and called back

He walked over to her and smiled at her neat head of raven hair that even though she just got up, managed to look like she had brushed it already. He knew it wasn't the case, since they both just woke up

"Hi plum," she said as he wrapped his arms around her slim waist

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"Hi plum," she said as he wrapped his arms around her slim waist

He kissed her forehead and leaned his chin on her shoulder and inhaled her scent

Vanilla and lavender. A scent he had grown accustomed to love

"Mercedes pumpkin," he asked smiling into his neck

"You know I love you right," she smiled at his announcement

"Yeah, I know," she replied shaking some paprika into the pot

"So?" He spoke she turned his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck

"So," she replied tip toeing to reach his lips to give them a slight peck

"Do you love me?" He asked she smiled

"Seth, not-" she didn't get to finish because Seth pulled away from her fast

"Wha?" She said he rolled his eyes

"You still can't say you love me? Then this is going nowhere," he said storming into the bedroom pulling out his suitcase and starting to pack

She walked in after

"Seth, your leaving because I can't say I love you? Then fine, I fucking love you," she said spreading her arms out

If there was a prize for screwing up a situation more than it was, Mercedes would have won it, because that actually made Seth cry

"Seth, I-" she began

"Your so cold hearted. I had to force you to say I love you," he cried wiping under his eyes, not that it helped

"I wanted you to love me, I wanted it to be romantic when you told me you loved me back, and I didn't want it to be forced." He finished zipping his bag and he walked past Mercedes and out the door

Mercedes looked at the still open door in shock, her heart screamed at her to go after him, but her legs didn't respond

The only thing that responded was her mind

Wanna know what it told her?

"You cold hearted bitch,"

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