Why Are You Helping Me?

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Mercedes raked her hand through her hair as she watched Renee get slapped by Maryse right outside her locker room. She tried to ignore it, but she couldn't help it. She felt bad. So she walked outside and grabbed Maryse's hair and yanked her back

"Fly away grandma," Mercedes spat ducking as Maryse's flying hand barely missed her cheek. She grabbed Maryse and kneed her in the stomach and she grunted before Tom Philips helped her away

Mercedes smirked before sighing

"Are you okay?" She asked stooping near Renee

Renee looked at her and nodded slowly

"What's wrong," Mercedes asked realizing she looked scared

"Nothing I just- Why did you help me?" She asked Mercedes

"Why did you think I wouldn't?" Mercedes asked helping Renee stand before she folded her arms

"Cuz I'm with Dean," Renee replied hesitantly

If Dean was the lunatic fringe, you'd think Mercedes was his other half with the way she cackled laughing.

"This has nothing to do with Dean Renee, I just saw injustice happening, so I decided to do something, it has nothing to do with you, Dean or Deanee, I just did what I thought was right," Mercedes explained

Mercedes smirked and walked away knowing eyes were on her as she moved


The camera panned on him pacing around and muttering to himself

It is 3 days before Survivor Series and Dean was a wreck. Would he have to go into the match by himself? Would it be a handicap match? Well if he had to...FINE!

Mercedes said it herself if they didn't need him. He didn't need them. He was fighting for his girl. And he didn't need anyone.

The camera-man gave him a single to begin speaking

"This is why I don't trust a lot of people, they always turn their backs on you. I always thought if there was one person I thought I could trust and count on, it was Mercedes, she not only turned her back on me, but she questioned our friendship. I think her lover boy Rollins has been her conscience for the past few days," Dean spat, he cringed a bit

"No matter," he said giving a shrug

"I'll overcome Team Miz, by myself if I have to," Dean said sitting back down and continued tying his wrist tape

Mercedes watched the monitor with her arms folded

"Always so stubborn," she said before the camera cut

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