Chapter 1

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Academy K was without a doubt the dumpiest school ever built, but that was the main reason why people attended school. The teachers weren't strict (they were friendly with their students), there was no school uniform( this saved parents a lot of money), and textbooks were rarely used (bringing down the cost of taxes for homes in the district). The school had a reputation, but even so, managed to draw in more and more students each year. And every year it seemed the students were getting dumber and dumber.

The state decided that such an institution could no longer be allowed to operate with such awful test results. Therefore, a new principal was brought in from a military academy somewhere in the northeast. Within 10 years the number of students graduating skyrocketed, students became engineers and CEOs. Academy K's reputation was shattered and replaced with something ten times better. However, the taxes were raised and many families couldn't afford to live in the district anymore. Academy K became a public school for the elite.

I started going to Academy K two years ago. I wore the uniform, got good grades, and obeyed every rule in the book. I was a model student. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Haha, I'm kidding. I had to stop obeying the rules last year. After finals, freshman year, my dad had a seizure. The doctors expected him to recover but he didn't. He passed after a week in the hospital. I was left in a big house with my mother.

I think she handled the situation miraculously. She started working longer hours and moved the two of us into an apartment so I could keep attending Academy K. However, if I want to graduate from this prestigious High School, I have to get a job to help support my mom and myself, and jobs are against the school rules. So much for being a model student, Lol.

After however many days of job hunting, I finally found the perfect place. It was a small bakery outside of the district but close enough to the apartment that I could bike to it. It paid well enough and the work was pretty simple. I started work immediately. The hardest part was to make sure nobody from school knew I worked there. Luckily, a guy a year older than me who also attended Academy K worked there, too! We have each others backs.

Life was pretty uneventful. I went to school, learned some stuff, took a test or two, made some friends, and went to work. Things were perfectly fine for months. Nobody suspected a thing.....until a day before Christmas Eve.

Hello there. :)

This first chapter was pretty boring. It was basically just some exposition. What a great way to start a story *sarcasm*! Most chapters will be longer than this I think.

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