Chapter 2

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The day before Christmas Eve I had to work but I got Christmas Eve and Christmas off. I usually work in the back of the bakery, making the pastries and restocking shelves. But the day before Christmas Eve I had to work my usual shift but at the front counter which was unusual and made me anxious.  Though, I wasn't particularly worried about anyone coming in considering how little business we usually have. Besides, I was in the bakery with Johnny, that guy I was talking about earlier. He's a junior.

It had already gotten dark and a customer hadn't come in for over two hours so Johnny and I were sitting in the front room watching a basketball game. I don't follow sports so Johnny was explaining the whole game to me. It was surprisingly fun. He didn't seem to mind either.

When a customer finally walked in, I was shocked to say the least. I saw one of my classmates staring back at me with a bewildered face. Johnny stood up and greeted the customer who said he ordered a Christmas cake and was here to pick it up.
Johnny ran to the back to get it while I rung him up at the cash register.

" You're Lilia, right," he asked while I pressed buttons mindlessly on the register.

"Yeah.....," I said sounding ashamed, " I think we're in the same class."

"Mmm," he said nodding his head and handing over a twenty before I even told him the price. He had dark hair and fair skin sprinkled with freckles. His eyes looked friendly but, for lack of a better word, wise. Johnny hadn't came out from the back yet so I went to check on him.

"I'm going to see what's taking him so long," I said giggling awkwardly. I walked to the back to see Johnny leaning against the shelf stocked with Christmas cakes. He looked like he was waiting for me but also looked disappointed. His arms were crossed over his chest. Oh no.

"Who's that," he said.

"A classmate," I said gritting my teeth and trying not to pull out all my hair. If he told anyone that I had a job I could be suspended at best and expelled at worst. Johnny was in the same amount of danger. I had to make sure that he kept his mouth shut. But how?

"He won't tell anyone, will he" Johnny asked and it felt like I was being scolded. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. He ran his fingers through his light brown hair. I almost laughed because I knew he dyed it and the dark roots were showing. He hates that.

"You have to make sure that he doesn't spill," Johnny said grabbing a Christmas cake and handing it to me. I took the cake with both hands and felt really bad all of the sudden. I have to fix this.

"I'll find a way," I said to convince myself that I was capable of that kind of persuasion.

I walked back to the front and found my classmate staring into the display case at a pair of heart-shaped macaroons. When he noticed that I had returned he looked up determined. I didn't know what he was thinking until he said the words. I slid the Christmas Cake over the counter and gave him his receipt.

"I'll keep your secret," he said. I sighed and almost became weak in the knees. I hadn't even asked him to keep it yet. I needed to lean on the counter for support. That had been easier than I thought but I suspected that everything came with a price. He just needed to name his.

"Really," I said because I was just so relieved. I didn't know what else to say without sounding rude. I didn't want to be like, "There's no way you're a good person so whaddya want, huh?"

"But I'll need you to help me with something first," he said. THERE IT IS. What a not-shocker.

"Okay," I agreed. Whatever it was, I'd do it. To stay at Academy K and basically get into any college was worth it. Name your price sonny.

"Great," he said, "Let's make a deal."

Hello there. :)

Another fairly short chapter. Anyone like Christmas Cake? I like the Italian kind with all the fruits in it. Mmmm. Food is one of my favorite things along with money and dad jokes.

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