Chapter 6

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The next day at school, not everyone was back from vacation yet, but Marion Howler was. God, I hated her.

Marion Howler was my worst enemy, to say the least. I HATED her and she hated me back. I don't exactly remember when we started hating each other but it was way back in elementary school. Other people thought she was a god, but it seems like I'm the only one who's seen her true colors. She was popular with the boys and all the girls wanted to be her friend. She was smart, well-dressed, pretty, funny, and had a sour side. She was like lemon curd. The moment I walked into the classroom I heard her unmistakably, high-pitched, high-bitched voice.

"How was your break," she said with The Bitch Tone TM, "Lila."

She called me Lila all the time and I corrected her every time. I'd say, 'It's Lilia, my name's Lilia' but she never listens, especially not to me. So I just mess with her right back.

"Greeeeeeaaaaaaat," I said, drawing out the word in an equally high-pitched, high-bitched voice, "Thanks for asking, Marie" I said messing up her name on purpose. Did I mention that I hate her? Cuz I do.

I sat down at my desk and started unpacking my bag. The first class today was Physics so I pulled a textbook, notebook, and pencil case out of my bag. Marion normally sat on the complete other side of the classroom but nooo, today she sat in the seat right next to me. I was bracing myself for all the steaming hot bull shit that was about to come out of her mouth when I saw Damian walk into the classroom. I waved to him with the hopes of maybe getting him to think I was normal-ish and also I kind of just thought it would be cool if we were friends. Like partners in crime or something. He looked in my direction, waved back, then froze. His face went red again then, without even stopping to put his stuff down at his desk, he did a full 180 turn and left the class.

"Who the hell are you waving to," Marion said, as she turned around to look behind her, "OH, must've been you're imaginary friend." One of these days I was going to put her in the ground.

"Why are you sitting here," I asked.

"I just wanted to let you know," she said, "I got you a really nice Christmas present."

And with that, she got up and walked back to her seat. She must have left me something in my locker or in my desk, or maybe she put something in my bag when I wasn't looking. I'll find it eventually, but I wasn't going to stress over this terrible gift that Marion had hidden somewhere for me. That's exactly what she wants. It's probably better if I don't find it, actually.

I tried my hardest not to think about what Marion had said, but I thought about what Marion had said. Damn. I wouldn't be surprised if she planted a bomb in my apartment building. Half-way through class, I stopped thinking about her gift long enough to realize that Damian had been acting weird this morning. After Physics, I made my way over to his desk while trying not to bump into people.

"What was that this morning," I said standing over his desk as he kept putting in and taking out notebooks and folders from his bag.

"Can we not talk about this here," he mumbled without making eye contact. He was blushing again. Haha.

"Then where," I asked.

"The bakery?"

"But we only meet on Tuesday and Thursday," I reminded him, I pretended to check my imaginary watch. "It's Wednesday."

He looked around. I don't know why he does that. No one in this class cares about what we do. I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by the wrist. I pulled him out of his desk and into the hallway.

"Please don't ever do that again," he said firmly, rubbing the spot on his wrist where I had grabbed him. What a baby!

"You look so much more obvious when you look around all shifty like that," I told him while leaning against the hallway wall, "You've obviously never played poker."

He sighed and face palmed. Oh, I just noticed. He's taller than me. But only by a little.

"You really want to know," he asked, staring at the ceiling.

"Know what," I asked, though I was pretty sure I knew what.

"Why I'm asking you to," he lowered his voice, "teach me and stuff."

"Oh," I overreacted just a bit, "yeah. Tell me."

"I like Marion," he said.


Hello there. :)

I've runout of things to say so how about a joke?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To break all his friends out of KFC. Hahahahahahahaha.(not funny)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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