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  A/N: Well thanks for coming back. I spend a lot of time editing this so please enjoy and comment.

                                        ALO's News board:

                     Players please be on high alert. A player now nicknamed Quick-Slash have been terrorizing the nights in Alfheim. Quick-Slash does not kill, only deeply wounding players. The main weapon Quick is a katana and is said to shimmer in the dark. Players are advised to stay inside during the nights and if not, carrying a potion in hand to heal oneself. In-game hotels will allow players to stay for the night for the cheapest of prices. Take advantage of these. You have been warned. Stay safe and beware of the Quick-Slash.

Cavalry: "Did you guys check out the notice board?"

Kirito: "Yeah someone by the name of Quick-Slash is attacking players for no apparent reason"

Silica: "Sounds scary"

Sinon: "Don't worry we'll stick together"

Silica: "I guess so"

Asuna: "The day is still young let's go out for a bit before it gets dark"

Cavalry: "You guys go ahead. I want to investigate for a bit. See you back at the fountain."

The gang part ways and do some store browsing before heading back to the fountain by night fall.

Yuuki: "Where is Cavalry?"

Lisbeth: "He said he to meet him here"

Silica: "It's getting dark. Shouldn't we head inside? That Quick-Slash person might come out"

Yuuki: "You guys can head inside. I'm gonna wait for Cavalry"

Asuna: "Okay. Stay safe"

Yuuki: "I'll be fine. I got the 11-hit skill ya know?"

Asuna: "Just saying for extra safety."

Yuuki stays behind while the rest of the gang head to a nearby hotel for safety. Yuuki stays around the fountain waiting for Cavalry to return. After about a half hour Yuuki hears footsteps approaching the fountain.

Yuuki: "About time you got back. How did the investigation go?"

Cavalry: "......"

Yuuki: "Hey, you there?"

Cavalry: "...."

Yuuki: "Cava...lry?"

The person steps into the light. He was wearing a dark outfit with a hood and a gray bandanna covered his mouth. It pulls out a blade. A long blade of a katana. Shimmering in the lack of light.

Yuuki: "*gasp* Quick-Slash"

Q-S: So word of me has already spread huh?"

Quick-Slash flashes his glowing red eye at Yuuki

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Quick-Slash flashes his glowing red eye at Yuuki.

Yuuki: "What do you want? Why are you slashing people?"

Q-S: "Hee hee. Ever heard of the blade gone living by the name of Saika?"

Yuuki: *flinch*

Q-S: "So you have heard? If you haven't I'll explain. Saika was a curse blade. All it wanted to do was love and love. So it began a want to love humanity as a whole. So it began slashing and making everyone whom it's host slashed into...let's say it's children. Things such as war and hate blocked it's completion though. Even it's host soon took control of it and owned complete control over it. Stopping it's reign and terror once and for all"

Yuuki: "So what does that have to do with you? Are you trying to impersonate the original host or something?"

Quick-Slash only laughs evilly.

Q-S: "Impersonate? Hah! I am the re-incarnation of the old host. I am the New Saika! And you...you...are special for something else"

Q-S swings the katana about before readying for an attack. Yuuki readies hers in defense.

Q-S: "Kee hee tee. Prepare yourself Zekken"

Yuuki: "No prepare yourself. I will stop you before you can do anything worse."

Q-S strikes first attacking Yuuki's face. Yuuki manages to dodges barely missing her forehead. The strike does cut her headband off.

Yuuki retaliates attacking with a simple but, effective four hit skill. Q-S blocks three of the hits but, misses the fourth striking his bandanna. The bandanna falls revealing a familiar face.

Yuuki: "Kl-Klein?!"

Klein: "Sorry about this Yuuki."

A nearby spell caster finishes her chant and launches her spell. The spell hits Yuuki putting her into a deep spell of sleep.

Klein: "I must do what I can. For the power that is known as love."

Klein pulls Yuuki over her shoulder and carries her to an area unknown. The spell caster opens her inventory and drops a note before following Klein.

About two hours later, Cavalry returns with very little information to work on.

Cavalry: "Man, that was more or less pointless. Victims were claiming Quick-Slash was a guy and other, a girl."

Cavalry approaches the fountain when he notices something on the ground. A note and a cut headband. Yuuki's headband. He rushes too it and grabs the the note.

"Quick in the night. Slashing thy victims. Seika the katana

          - love it must consume.

                        Find whom you seek, in a place we shall meet

                                    -A place between two worlds

                                              here the sword that cuts wood and stone once lay

                                                           Ice and Lighting once fought-there shall be the fight with all our                                                                                                                                                                                might"

Cavalry: "Great, what does this even mean?!"

Cavalry picks up the cut headband and clenched it in his fist.

Cavalry: "Wherever you are Yuuki, I will get you back. Don't worry."

Quick-Slash strikes again. This time striking the love of our fellow friend Cavalry. What are his plans? Why is Yuuki needed for something special? Time will only tell.

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