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The villagers cheered as they walked through the village gates, dragging the wounded and snarling balvarine.

Slavok fought his way through the crowd and greated them with a deep bow.

"My Queen, you have done what you have promised and liberated our settlement! We are forever in your debt".

Rose reached down and grasped Slavok on the arm and guided him to stand, "no Slavok, the citizens of Ablion are never in debt to their Queen".

To this the crowd roared in approval and praise for their kind and beloved queen.

"Will you celebrate with us, your highness?" Inquired young Pip, as he stood in the shadow that Slavok's impressive stature cast.

"We would love to stay, but the Queen is weary and we have a prisoner to transport. We cannot linger".

Rose knew Octavia was right. However, not only was she exhausted, but so was her men. She weighed her options, wondering if it would be best to rest in the village for a while so that her men could recuperate or whether she should push forward and rest when they reached the castle.

One look at her men told her that they needed a good meal, a bath, and a full night's rest.

Rose put her hand on Octavia's shoulder, "no we rest here tonight".

Without question, Octavia turned and addressed the men, "we sleep here tonight. Un-saddle the horses and check those restraints on that balvarine, I want them tight. When the moon sinks and the sun rises, that balvarine will transform back into a man, and I don't want him slipping out of his restraints".

Immediately the men soluted and went about carrying out her orders.

Rose gripped her side where a balvarine had landed a particularly deep gash. So far she had managed to keep it hidden from her men, wanting not to be fussed over. She enjoyed the independence of treating her own wounds. It reminded her of the old days, before she a Queen.

She shut the little cabin's door. It was the only empty one that was completely furnished. Her men on the other hand were staying in some stables.

Rose undressed so that she might take a bath, but froze when she thought she heard a sound at her door. Throwing a robe on, she crept over and quickly swung it open only to find a that a note had been placed at the base of the door.

The queen peered around but saw no one. Cautiously, she bend down and retrieved the note before disappearing back into her cabin.

She sat on the edge of her bed and unfolded the piece of paper.

"You will find what you are looking for in Aurora" was all that was written.

The Queen stared out her window in contemplation.

"Aurora" she whispered under her breath.

The next morning, they saddled up and set off for home. All the while, the little piece of paper tucked safly away in her pocket.

They rode along, the balvarine now a weaselly looking man that was strapped to a horse and led along.

The last night before they would reach home, a fog rolled in. It was a heavy, smoky haze, and it set her nerves on edge.

A loud crash sounded through the mist and Rose held tight as her horse jumped, spooked.

"Shhhh" cooed Rose as she stroked the neck of her horse attentively.

Instinctually, all her men gathered in a tighter circle around her.

She listened, but only the silent blanket of white mist greated her.

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