The Rules Not Need Apply

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The ship calmed her. Though truth be told, she had been calm ever since visiting her mother's memorial, but the haughty laughter of the aristocrats at Fair Fax Castle only made her feel further from herself. Here on the churning and swelling sea, exposed to elements and enemies, she was alive.

Rose wondered over to the detailed map Kalin was so kind to lend to her. It was a beautiful piece of art. Rare and vibrant paint detailed the towns, settlements, ruins, oasis', and natural markers scattered across Aurora. Paint mixed with gold swirled in exotic patterns along the edges of the map.

She traced her finger from the main port they would arrive at, to the temple, out the back of the village to the open desert, and across the sand to the place she thought she'd never return to. She must have partitioned five military encampments between the village and that foul place.

She placed her hands on either side of the map and leaned over it with a sigh. "Why am I here?" She muttered quietly to herself. Did she really need to come all this way on a less than credible anonymous hint and a gut feeling? Or was she just looking for an excuse, any excuse, to leave the castle again. What was it she was looking for outside it's walls? What could she find that would satisfy her? What was she missing?

Just then three timid knocks sounded at the door.

Rose sighed deeply and answered "enter".

The girl that shuffled in kept her eyes cast down, although it would have been hard to see them behind the wisps of dark chestnut hair that dangled around and over her face hiding her features.

"Tea and bath, M'lady?" Inquired the woman. Her slender frame hunched in poor posture.

"Yes. That would be lovely, thank you" answered Rose, taking her jacket off and moving towards the changing screen on the other side of the cabin. She woman immediately moved to assist with undressing, but Rose only waved her off, "I can change myself, thank you".

"Of course, M'lady" responded the woman taking a few steps back giving Rose some privacy.

Rose noted that the woman's accent and speech was that of the lower class, more commonly found in Bowerstone Industrial. Which was unusual for maids or help in or from the castle. They were expected to have an improved speech and pronunciation, but the woman's pronunciation of "my Lady" as the shortened slang "M'lady" was proof enough that this woman was what was considered lower born, but the fact that she addressed Rose as "Lady" instead of "Queen, highness or your majesty" made it evident that she was either newly a maid or not a maid at all.

"How long have you worked at the castle?" Inquired Rose curiously.

The woman smiled that fake, forced smile all staff at the castle smiled when their Queen spoke to them, "only a few months, M'lady".

Rose considered correcting the woman purely on the grounds of helping improve her education in court etiquette, but she didn't want to worry or embarrass the her and, truth be told, she didn't much care what titled people addressed her with.

"That's a short time" considered Rose, "do you find you like it?".

Without missing a beat, the woman smiled again and nodded "yes, M'lady. Never have I worked a finer job".

Rose stepped out from behind the screen clothed in only a robe, "and what was that?".

"M'lady?" Said the woman confused.

"Your job before the castle? What sort of work was it?".

Again the woman cast her eyes down, "I um..." She stuttered, "was an...entertainer" she stated, clearly choosing her words carefully.

Rose nodded understandingly, "I see. Well I am glad you are pleased with your job here".

The woman didn't raise her eyes to meet Rose, but kept them cast down in obvious shame. She wouldn't have been much older than Rose, yet she looked so weary and her expression aged.

Rose approached her and placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head to face her, "never be ashamed of your fight" she said with a soft smile, "your struggle is powerful. No one can tell you otherwise".

The woman smiled, this time a true and genuine smile that reached her eyes and lit them up.

"Thank you, M'lady" she said and attemped a certsy.

The bath was blissfully warm, turning her skin red from the heat. Rose soaked alone in the cabin. She had dismissed the woman, who's name she had found out to be Beatrice.

She knew soon another letter would arrive from Reaver. It was very unlikely the man could wait till shore to begin his ceaseless irritants. He would invite her onto his boat or insist he must come onto her's with some detail or information she must listen to, but she would refuse him. She could imagine nothing that would tempt her to see him.


Reaver considered writing a letter again, he knew how much she must hate those by now, but he doubted she would indulge another one. He chuckled at the thought of how irritated she must be when she recieves them. That luscious mouth would press into a thin line and her eyes would narrow in annoyance. He had to admit he was like a child with the way he prodded for her attention, but he couldn't help himself, he was invested in seeing this through.

Seeing her tare up that letter in defiance was a challenge whether she meant it to be or not. One he would rise to meet.

He leaned back in the leather chair that sat behind an ornate and elaborately carved mahogany desk. "She wasn't supposed to make it this far" thought Reaver, "how did she come to the conclusion that she needed to go to Aurora? Had someone tipped her off? If so, who and why? He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "perhaps it was time to resort to dire measures....treasonous measures". He hated and loved to. The delicate relationship between him and the Queen was entertaining, and for some reason, he didn't take joy in the idea of her truly hating him...if she didn't already. However, this was bigger than that...much bigger.

"Berry!" Called Reaver as he suddenly stood up, grabbing his white waist coat.

"Yes mista Weaver?" Said Berry and he hastily entered the cabin.

"Load the cannons and tell the men to get ready to board the Queen's ship" said Reaver in an almost feverish flourish.

Berry's mouth fell open in astonishment, "but...mista Weaver-".

"Chop chop, Berry!" Interrupted Reaver with the wave of his hand, "we haven't time to waist!".

And with that Berry was half running out the door, sweat already forming on his brow.

"My dear Queen, I will see you soon" thought Reaver to himself looking out the window to the Queen's ship, "my dearest Rose".

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