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It is currently 11:01 pm...late in my opinion but to start I have been having some rough times and I have pushed away some close friends and that was bad decision because your friends make up who you are and bring out your best self and I felt like I dug myself deeper into my little hole of despair because of my decisions and I want to say don't push the important people away and cut yourself from humanity because it might make you feel powerful but only for a little while. If you do happen to have no one by your side you will always have me. I know, I know, a stranger on the other side of a screen being all creepy saying hey talk to me so I can ruin your life even more BWAHAHAHA...No. I have a few friends that say I'm the most insperational in my group, not to brag but yeah. To be honest and not to be proud because that's just cold hearted, I've saved two of my friends from putting a gun to they're head and that scares people and I dream of the day when the chances of suicide are slimmer, where I can walk down streets and not worry about who's not going to be there tommorow or the next. Even I have had thoughts like that and I got help. Not from professionals but by people closest to me...that and markiplier and natewantstobattle...going off track again XD anyway please seek help because it destroys you and the people that care about you. Personal amazing wonderful cousin Ryan didn't think anyone cared much for him since his sister and mother had died...he killed himself...and he left an impact that will never heal. I still miss him and wish he was here. And from that day on I made an oath to myself, I would try to keep my friends with me. And I kinda failed at that recently but as long as they are happy I don't need to be. Same goes with you. If my readers...welp....everyone is happy then it doesn't matter if im not because once you care more about other people more than yourself you will see changes. I know everyone's not perfect but that's okay. You are amazing even tho I can't see you. Even if I never meet you(tho I hope I will) you will live on better than most people if you just believe in yourself, I know people say it a lot but do it; believe in yourself and others and sparks will fly. Because you are fire. It's 11:17 pm I'm gonna bide you adieu my crew. Goodnight.

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