December 31st, 2016 11:09pm

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It is almost a new year and I wanted to share my new years more dogs, yep that is it....that and well eat more spicy food.....Yep next year will be a good year. 2017 the year of believing things will get better (just believe USA! You will "trump" this year!) Now, believing can be hard because it's taking knowledge and well, jamming emotion into it, yeah it might hurt to change but it works, like taking the trash out...You procrastinate and it starts to smell until you smell it so bad taking it out but! The smell lasts a few days until you smell a nice CLEAN house were you are happy. Yep, nice and clean, until it's someone else's turn. Just believe you can be better and you'll realize it is easy if you start soon. Welp, that's my time sooooo, I bid you adieu my crew.

11:17 pm. Good night. Or morning, or evening, you get the point, bye bye!

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