January 4th, 2017 10:14pm

7 1 0

One of the hardest things in life is remembering the worst memories; childhood shocks, divorces, broken limbs, but the worst is having tragic backstories, I know cliche, but people do, I have a friend who I think has had the worst life ever but she's being the strong person she is and she's carrying on, she's marching on like a champ. She's telling her story and I thought that I had it bad. When you think something is bad in your life think of the amazing things in life like friends, houses, food, electronics if you have any. People don't realize the good things when the bad things come but if you do look at the good everything will change. It might not be instantly a perfect life but it takes times, just like my friend, she has to walk around having that haunt her but she doesn't let it being her down. She really is incredible and I believe in her and I believe in you. Welp, I bid you adieu my crew.


Good night, good morning, good afternoon, and so forth.

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