Strange Stares

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Jack's Pov:

I smiled softly in relief and wiped away (Y/N)'s only remaining tear. She didn't unwrap from the ball she'd locked herself in but did look at me finally.
She acted so human.
She couldn't be a robot could she?
Her body may be mechanical but... I don't think she's actually one of them.
"L-let's go. I'm sure being down here isn't helping your anxiety and it's gotta be messing with my head or something... I-I swear I didn't mean to hurt you... I just... i'm sorry...," I blamed the game for my condition despite knowing exactly what it was.
It wasn't the game.
(Y/N) only nodded in response to that with a small smile towards me. She's so forgiving and kind... if I were in her place I'd have snapped and attacked whoever hurt me but she didn't... she was forgiving me... she's so sweet.
I shouldn't taint her.
I moved my hands away from the wall to let (Y/N) have some space and held my hand out to her. She looked at it for a moment before grabbing it with soft, yet cold, hands. Her hands felt just like skin but they were cold like metal.
Maybe... maybe the game just changed her appearance to look like an animatronic rather than a human....
I helped (Y/N) to her feet and brought her over to the vent. I helped her into it wordlessly by picking her up by her waist and setting her into the metal vent.
Honestly I shouldn't be surprised that she's not talking to me.
Mark staid quiet from above, watching carefully, but I knew he was struggling too.
They're getting persistent...
(Y/N) started crawling through the vent silently and I followed after.
"Motion Trigger: Circus Gallery Vent."
The GLADOS voice said from above as we entered into the other area where Foxy and Ballora were. Their stages were dark but I felt like their gazes were towards us.
I watched (Y/N) walk over to the Ballora Gallery viewing window. She put her hands onto the glass and pressed her face to it, looking around.
Ballora was still on her stage but I pressed the light button to let (Y/N) see her. She seemed like she was interested to know what they looked like.
The light flickered on and displayed Ballora to (Y/N) but instead of looking around like there was an audience like normal; she was staring right at (Y/N).
Cold, glassy, lifeless eyes stared at the smaller girl.
Her eyes were dead.
(Y/N)'s held life.
They were bright and held warmth in them.
Ballora's had nothing.
(Y/N) backed away from the glass and bumped into me. She jumped with a small squeal and turned around to look at me. She left out a sigh of relief.
"S-Sorry Jack... I-I didn't mean to bump into you...," she apologizes, looking at her bare feet. I should find her something to wear on her feet. She's going to hurt them on the floors here.
"It's ok. You didn't know I was behind ya. Don't worry," I assured her before offering her my hand, "I don't particularly want to know where Foxy is right now so let's go."
She looked at my outstretched hand for a bit longer before lightly setting her hand into mine.
I closed my hand around hers and inwardly sighed in relief. I gently pulled the smaller girl towards the other crawl space and had her go first. She started crawling into the elevator while I looked at Foxy's stage.
Quickly, I rushed over to the panel and pressed the light. They were looking at the crawl space (Y/N) was in very intensely with the same cold dead eyes.
It was unnervingly still. Not moving or blinking. Just staring.
Shivering, I quickly went after (Y/N), who was already in the elevator waiting for me. The elevator started moving upwards and a cheery 80's kinda tune plays through the speaker.
"Ok guys. Day 1 complete! Four more to go," Mark said happily, lifting both of our spirits, "Ok the guide says you are supposed to go home now and wait for the next day."
"Four more...," I heard (Y/N) whisper before she smiled, "This won't be that hard! I'm sure we can do this!"
Her proclamation made me smiled and hug her lightly.
"Yeah! Only four more! We can do this," I assured and the elevator stopped.
"Ok. This said you aren't going to be able to hear me when you leave so I'll see you guys in a bit," Mark stated.
"Ok. We'll see you."
"Bye Mark."
We both exited the elevator into a new room. It looked like a living room that was ripped from the 80's.
There was a TV sitting in front of a couch with a bowl of popcorn. The wallpaper was old as tacky along with everything else in the room.
(Y/N) looked around and found a closet, seeing a jacket in there. She threw it on to cover herself and found a box of socks. I tried looking around for shoes and wound up finding some that looked like they'd fit in a room down the hall.
"Hey I found some shoes," I told her and handed them over. She smiled at me and took them from my hands.
"Thank you, Jack."
The jacket she was wearing was huge on her but it was probably warm.
The TV suddenly turned on and started to play some lame late night soap opera. Some vampire guy and a human lover.
Heh. Not bad.
(Y/N) had jumped when the TV turned on and hid behind me. She'd screamed a bit at the TV's loud volume but calmed down after a moment.
I chuckled at how adorable the action was.
"Jumpy I see," I joked, hoping to make her feel better. She rolled her eyes and slapped my shoulder lightly.
"Shut it. It was loud and sudden," She poured but seemed to feel better. I laughed since her little hit hadn't hurt.
She got out from behind me and flopped down onto the old dusty couch with a sigh.
"For how gross this couch looks, it's surprisingly comfy," she claimed. I laughed a bit and joined he on the couch, forcing her to scoot over so that we could both be there. She however didn't seem to care and just laid on top of me.
She smells nice... like strawberries and lemons... with... is that mint...?
I was snapped out of my thoughts by (Y/N) who shifted around to get comfy on top of me.
Once she was comfy she laid there on top of me with a relaxed face. She wasn't awake for much longer after that. She had been rudely awakened by being dumped here so I should just let her sleep.
I picked up the popcorn and put it on the floor where I could still reach and watched the vampire show until I passed out with (Y/N) on top of me.

Tomorrow is gonna suck.

I'm back finally!!!! Ahhh!!!!! Ok new chapter at 1:34am and I hope it's good since I wanna sleep but I was so paranoid that people would forget I exist if I didn't get this out... I'm so afraid of being forgotten...
Anyway! I hope you enjoy because there's more to come soon!
I hope...
Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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