To Ballora

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Jack's POV:

The burning pain in my eye settled pretty quick and I didn't skip a beat to answer her question so she wouldn't get suspicious.

"Oh, come on! That was adorable!"

Easy for you to say, Greenie.

"S-Shut it. Why'd you poke me," she demanded to know with a pout, making me laugh more and hold her tightly.

"You had stopped moving and we-... I was worried."

I carefully shifted (Y/N) so that she could look at me finally after having he nearly suffocated the poor thing in my chest to keep her from seeing his face.

"I'm fine, Jack. Just spaced out when those things left," She looked up at me and was frowning with a clear pout. It looked pretty cute actually. But then her words finally sunk in and my eyes widened.

"Wait... so you didn't hear any of the voice?"

"Voice? What are you talking about?"

Her face held all sorts of confusion and my jaw dropped at her reaction.

"What are you talking about? She was loud as fuck and saying cryptic things!"

"Jack there's no one here to talk to other than me..."

Maybe we're imagining it...


But the lady is too specific with information we don't know to be our imagination...

That's really true. It knows too much and I would be able to tell if there's something wrong. I'm literally in your head.

That's.... A really good point.

(Y/N) and I sighed before we both yelped at the sudden voice from HAND UNIT.

"Thank you for your patience. It seems like the power system cannot be restarted automatically. You will need to restart the power system manually. Please return to the primary control module."

"Do we have to...," (Y/N) spoke with a shaking voice from the sudden shock.

"Looks like we have to...," I sighed, shifting (Y/N) around so that I could open the cubby hole door. She was the one closest to the door so I chose to move us around so that I'd be the first one out so that if something was there it would go after me first.

I carefully let go of her and looked out, softly leaving the small space and looking around more.

"It's dark but there's no one here. Come on out," I told her and softly held my hand out to her. She took my hand and let me pull her out from under the desk.

I continued to hold onto her hand and let both of our eyes adjust slightly to the dark before I led us over to the vent. I got in first for the same reason I got out of the cubby hole first and we both crawled quickly through the vent into the main area where Ballora and Foxy's rooms were.

I got out of the vent, seeing that there was an emergency light on in here. I helped (Y/N) out and sighed, happy that there was light finally if only for a little bit.

We looked at each other and I saw (Y/N) softly blush before looking away while I set her on the ground so she could stand.

HAND UNIT decided to step in again.

"You will now be required to crawl through the Ballora gallery using the vent to your left to reach the breaker room."

"We have to what...," (Y/N) gasped in shock.

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