My Hero

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  Rose's P.O.V

I've been blind since I was 17. I became blind by being hit in the face too many times. My sight was taken from me by someone that I thought I could trust. My boyfriend, Scott, started becoming verbally abusive five months into our relationship. He would always yell at me over the littlest things, then he would flirt with girls right in front of me. Then after a year into our relationship he became physically abusive. I never told anyone about what was going on, I would act like everything was okay. He would only hit me where no one would see the bruises. It was on my 17th birthday that my sight was taken from me. My parents threw me a party and everyone from school was there. I was walking around talking to my friends and guest, when Scott told me he wanted to talk to me. He lead me to my room upstairs, when he suddenly slammed me into the wall. "Why where you flirting with all the guys here?" Scott asked angrily. "I wasn't I was just talking to them." I fearfully said. He punched me in the stomach and said, "just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can act like a slut." Then, he threw me on the ground and started hitting my face repeatedly. When he finally stopped he dragged me to the stairs and threw me down them to cover up what he did. Of course everyone bought his story of how I tripped and fell down the stairs. I never told anyone about what truly happened.

Year Later

No one notices how afraid of Scott I am. They don't notice how I slightly flinch when someone touches me. Then and I can't really  tell since I can't see their expressions. I've noticed Scott acting strange recently, I hear him talking to himself. Also for some reason his friend, Stiles, started talking to me. There's also this voice that's talking to me in my dreams. He somehow knows everything that Scott's been doing to me the past three years. Last night he told me not to worry about Scott hurting me anymore.

Suddenly, I'm pushed into the wall of lockers. "You've been talking to Void? How do you know him?" Scott asked. "I don't know who your talking about." I told him honestly. "She's right, she doesn't know me, she only knows my voice." Said the voice from my dreams. "Why have you been talking to her?" Scott asked letting go of me. "I know what you've been putting her threw the last three years, I'm here to save her from you." Says Void. Scott starts laughing, "You shouldn't waste your time she's blind and useless." Scott says. " she's far from useless, you underestimate the potential she has." Void says. I hear Scott lunge at Void and Void knocks Scott to the ground. "You foolish boy you can't beat me." Void says. Then I hear a loud snap and footsteps walking towards me. I feel someone's hand stroking the side of my face. " You're safe now." Void says. "Thank you my hero." I said. I grab his hand and we walked out of school. "I'm no hero." He said.

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