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The lady in the blue dress!
I choke on the blood already half way down my throat looking around to find any beautiful young lady wearing a blue dress, to my dismay I'm the only one standing there, I'm puzzled as a man comes to lead me to the platform . I can't help but hear Stella screaming while the crowd applauses, my vampire hearing picks out grumpy ladies as I approached the prince, a part of me snickers silently at the fact that I got chosen but I am still partly dazed by his choice. I turn my attention to the prince who stretches his hand out to me, I take it reluctantly as he walks me to the dance floor, ''your highness, I'm not a good dancer '' I whisper to him still unsure of why I even agreed to come out for this '' don't worry dear, I'll teach you, just go with the flow'' ''yes your Highness. wait, did I just hear the dear part? my mind reels as we get closer to the point where I flop, well there's no harm in trying.

We get to where were going and I turn to face him, I can hardly breath as I look into his eyes, they were beautiful, I was captivated by them, the smell of him so close to me and his very expensive after shave. The music starts and we begin to move to the Rythm, envious stares from all direction making me proud of myself, I can't help but notice a cheerful person rooting for me, I smile as I see her, mentally thanking her for her efforts.

'' For someone who's not a good dancer your pretty good. ''

His statement catches me of guard and I force myself to stammer a thank you.

''What is your name? ''
''Gwen , Gwen Silver your highness. ''

''That's a beautiful name, but not nearly as beautiful as you are. ''

'' Thank you your highness. ''
'' Please enough with the pleasantries ,call me Michael ''

'' Yes your...... Eh hem, Michael ''

'' Good ''

I paused half way when he gazed at me for my close mistake, the music stops and I courtesy to him, a round of applause from the crowd as I turn to walk away but he holds my hand.

'' please walk with me Gwen. '' I hesitate before answering his request.

'' ok . ''

We get there, the cool breeze dancing around me, I close my eyes, feeling everything so beautiful about nature, Michael stands close to me, too close, I can see his soft features being out lined by the moon, his beautiful eyes having a mixture of sadness and happiness at the same time. I can't help but marvel, I felt a strong pull to him suddenly, strange but still there, that selfish part of me wanted him all for myself, to do whatever I pleased, how I wanted, what I wanted, with everything about him, I shook my head to get rid of the lustful thoughts.

We spoke for what seemed like hours, asking questions, making jokes and having fun, I expected this to be boring but I never expected to have an unplanned date with the prince. This would stick in my head for a really long time.

The ball was over ,the crowd dwindling as people left, it was an interesting night, mostly because of him though.

'' You're an interesting person Gwen. ''

'' And you too Michael. '' I reply in a dramatic voice.

'' Where do you stay? I'd like to take you home. ''

" No that's fine, I can manage fine on my own."

I protested but before you know I'm in a sleek convertible pointing directions as we speed into the town, the wind lashing against us with little to no mercy. We get to my place and drive into the lot,getting to my door takes longer than necessary cause we play all the way through.

'' It was nice spending the evening with you Gwen. ''

I grin crazily at his comment, we get to the door and Michael lingers a little too long at the door, I'm frozen as we stare at each other awkwardly, I don't want him to go, I'd probably never have a relationship with anyone cause I'm to timid. He leans in closer to me and I grace his bold step by doing the same, his lips brush mine slightly before he kisses me gently, almost like he's afraid to do so. We part and he smiles at me, what ? That's it? No way would he skip this one, my inner goddess jumps up and down at my next move. I grab Michael pulling him to me, I kiss him with need, desire raging through me. Michael tenses and in a second he's kissing me with equal passion, if not more. I lead him into the bedroom, you don't expect us to make out by the door do you? . He starts to trail kisses down my neck ,my clothes ripped from my body aggressively, I looked into his eyes filled with hunger and lust, his fangs scraped my neck making me bleed ,the smell of my own blood Intoxicating me, he's fangs sinking into me without warning as his hands found their way up my thigh, a small moan escapes my mouth as he caresses me, he strips then returns eagerly to continue what he started. I splay my hands on his defined muscles biting into his arm, he gasps silently, paying close attention to my breast ,fondling them with care . I was lost in pleasure, devoid of any form of thought. My brain seemed to be like a scrambled channel as he softly pushed his way into me. I moaned with new found pleasure pushing my body to match his Rythm, my back arched as I squeezed the sheets tighter.

We laid together peacefully, my head on his shoulder while my hand drew circles on his chest, we didn't need to speak, our bodies so close to each other was perfect, absolutely perfect.

I wake up alone in bed the next morning, I had drifted off to a deep sleep last night, I didn't even know how that was possible but it happened, I frown seeing I'm the only one in the house, great! what was I expecting? Him making breakfast for me? Damn it. I smile at the thought of last night, well I enjoyed it anyways. A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts, I put on a bath robe and go to the door, a man in a black suit stands there with a package and a letter.

'' Gwen Silver? ''

'' Yes ''

'' This is for you . ''

I reluctantly collect the package as another man follows me in with a very large tray. I decide not to ask any questions judging their attire to determine they were stewards of a high lord or Royal family. " Thanks. " The men biw their heads and then leave me alone. I open up the letter first to prevent any form of shock.

Gwen, I'm sorry for leaving so early, had to attend to some official matters back at the royal court, I took the liberty of replacing your dress, it looked too perfect on you, hope to see you really soon, maybe a cup of coffee or dinner. Michael.

I grin from ear to ear, I would be seeing him again, real soon.

Hey guys, how's my first try, hope you liked it, please drop your comments so I can improve on the next one, thanks.

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