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It has been a long Christmas break for Hoshi; if he counts that as a break, that is. Rather than sitting comfortably on his stool and facing his painting easel, he found himself drowning in piles of school work that occupied his supposedly free time. Other than those old-smelling books from the school library, he never got the chance to get a hold of his paint brushes, even if he tried to procrastinate. Going down from being the art club's president to being the art club's secretary would be a huge slap on his face. So, without any other choice, he fought the urge to start sketching on his blank canvas and, well, started writing a thousand-word essay for his Literature subject.

Sighing at the sight of the so-called prestigious building in front of him, he cringed as he read his school's name. Seoul Arts Academy.

[a/n: let's just say that this school actually exists. i'm too lazy to even research schools in Seoul smh lmao.]

Before even entering the building and passing by the oddly masculine guard that stood like a statue, he took his time to watch other students rush inside; quickly scanning their IDs before going to their own classes. Hoshi wanted to - just - runaway from this hell called school and just go to the park and paint the beautiful sceneries there. Yet again, without any other choice, he needs to attend eight hours of classes just to receive a piece of paper that can determine whether you're capable of having a job and being part of this working society.

"Good morning," he bowed at the guard. It wasn't sincere since he was still holding a grudge towards the man. Could you ever imagine a guard almost throwing a student on the road just because he forgot his school badge that was included in the school's uniform?

The guard replied with a cold nod.

"Good morning to you, too, Hoshi," he said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

Another burden he brought everday was having his locker located at the very end of the school building. What did he do to deserve this? Exactly! Nothing. He was a fairly good student.

"Curse you, whoever did this to me," he hissed under his breathe.

After a minute of having a fight with the lock, he managed to open the metal door. A loud creak echoed the hallways as well as an envelope flew out of his locker and landed on his feet. Crouching and picking up the envelope, he examined the outside and furrowed his eyebrows. Before he could even tear the top open and see what's inside the envelope, the bell for his first period rang.

He placed the envelope in a small compartment inside his locker and quickly grabbed his Math textbooks and stuffed them inside his bag.


As he stepped out of his classroom, a girl from the same class approached Hoshi.

"Annyeong, Hoshi-oppa!" She said, giggling right after. The girl's voice annoyed him. It was music to his ears - only, it was a music from a broken disc. Minjin.

"N-ne! W-waeyo?" He tried giving a smile, but he was not sure if it looked sincere. Because for him, it wasn't. At all.

"You wanna go with me to the new cafè that had just opened a few blocks from the school?" Supposedly fluttering her eyes, she gave out the sweetest smile. Meanwhile, Hoshi was trying to hide his urge to gag. It looks like she was a doll from a horror movies in his eyes. But, nevertheless, he was known to be a gentleman by his school.

It seems as if Hoshi has no rights to decide for himself today. He just simple nodded his head, clenching his jaw. What made him more triggered is when Minjin suddenly clung onto his arm that made him slightly flinch. This girl wasn't light.

locker letters | kwon soonyoungWhere stories live. Discover now