7. Aggression

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Things changed when she entered the mansion. The walls were filled with her paintings. The flowers were picked by her. The mansion came to life. The rooms all had little traces of her existence. He had traces of her existence. Her blue hair tie somehow wound up in his pocket. He played around with it absentmindedly.


"Speak" he looked up to see that one of his employees was covered in blood

"It's done"

"Good" he waved the man off, not even remembering what was done. He controlled so much, that he started forgetting what he was controlling. Was it a murder of a small drug lord on his territory? Was it a message to his enemies? He had no clue. Either way, he was the one controlling it.

"Do you like control?"

"Who doesn't?" he asked, watching Mr. M count his money

"This" Mr. M lifted a hundred dollar bill "This is control. If you have this, you have control"

"There are rich people without control" Yoongi commented and the man laughed

"Money is control, because money is power. If you're smart, you'll use your power, and control"

At the time, he didn't really understand what that meant. He wasn't sure how he could profit from such a saying. But he kept it in the back of his mind, like everything else Mr. M told him.

It was simple to notice her. She was dressed with class, she had this thing about her, she had this aura about her. She seemed different. She seemed like a delicate tulip amongst a sea of rough roses. She seemed so simple, yet so stunning.

"Invite that girl up" he muttered, nodding towards you who were unaware that you were being watched.

"Nice to meet you" he smiled at you who were standing in front of him.

She seemed so goddess-like. Perhaps he was seeing what he wanted to see, but she seemed like an angel in that moment, standing in front of him, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Do you like the party" he asked, his eyes scanning her eagerly

"I do"

"I'm honoured a girl like you would attend my party"

"Isn't that a bit too cheesy to be used as a pick-up line" you spoke truthfully, causing him to laugh

"Blunt, I like you"

She seemed nervous, she seemed intimidated. At the same time, he could tell she was intrigued by him. And he was intrigued by her. Even more so when she flatly answered his question the way he wanted her too.

"Join you?" you raised your brows "Like a cult?"

"Like a team. I promise I won't involve you if you don't want too be involved"

"Then what is there?"

"Sex, oh and my company"

"I don't know-"

"Think it through" he had to leave, there was something to check up on. That night, when he had finally gotten home, he had remembered her. He was enthusiastic about seeing her again. He needed a new hobby, a new girl to play with. Little did he know, she would become so much more.

"Aren't these pretty!" she laughed so wonderfully, holding the flowers up to inhale the pleasant scent. He had brought her white tulips.

"They are" he was watching her be happy at the simplest things. She was like a diamond, a diamond that was all his "Princess, we'll have the parties back again"

"Really?" her face lit up "Soon?"


"What happened?"

"Nu uh-"

"I don't ask" she sighed, nodding

"I don't ask" he nodded at Mr. M

"Good" he slapped his back, grinning wickedly "Isn't it lovely?"

Mr. M had been referring to the sight in front of them, the man that was being beat-to-death. He had been trying to scream, but to no avail, since his mouth was stuffed. He seemed to be older than Mr. M. He seemed to be more powerful than Mr. M, but not anymore. The guys were ruthless, still kicking and punching even though the man was way past pleading for mercy. There wasn't a way to describe just how dangerously desperate the kneeling blood-stained guy was in that moment. After a few minutes of watching them beat the man to death, listening to him whine and scream as much as he could, he went silent, and limp.

"This is what happens to people who disrespect me" Mr. M stated "Don't let anyone disrespect you kid"

"I won't rest until I've killed him with my bare hands"

"Agust we're doing the best-"

"You're not doing the fucking best" he threw his whiskey glass violently at the wall, causing it to shatter with a loud noise. "You are not doing your best"

He couldn't watch them anymore that evening, so he just got up and left. He could only watch one person.

"You told me I'm the stars once" you were delicately stroking his cheek. His head was laid on your lap, you two were on the king sized bed, and you were just happy to have him home.

"I told you, you're my everything"

"I know, I just thought" you spoke barely above a whisper, it was late at night "If I'm the stars, you're the Sun"

"I'm the Sun?" his brows quirked slightly.

"You're always shining, and even when you aren't, you're still there, you're always there to keep me safe"

"Princess" he smiled, kissing your bare thigh gently before looking up at you "How lovely of you"

"How lovely of you" you watched Yoongi punch the pervert that groped you on the dance floor

"You don't fucking touch her" he was wild, they tried calming him down, but that night, he was completely wild "You don't touch her"

The punches came, stronger, faster. The man's cries for mercy became weaker, and you sat comfortably, legs crossed, sipping your martini.

"Take him to the back" his breath was ragged when he got up "And get me a fucking towel, the bastard stained my suit"

"Are you okay baby?" you cooed, watching him wipe the blood off his hands

"I'm great princess" he smiled at you, grabbing a towel "I'm great now"

Agust D : Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now