15. Anatreptic

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(not comparable)

; overpowering

"They-That's not them" his voice cracked mid-sentence, exposing weakness

"Not so tough now, more a puppy than a Hound" Yoongi chuckled and you just stared at the screen. A petite woman was crouching in the corner of a dirty, empty cell, with nothing but a little boy sitting in her embrace. You didn't need to be in the room with those people to see, they were petrified. Just seeing their mortified eyes through the TV screen was enough to know how broken they were.

"That's not my wife, or my son. You're bluffing" his voice was very quiet, as if trying to persuade himself more than Yoongi. Yoongi continued to laugh and you continued to hope this really was just bluffing.

"I haven't given them a ring in a while" he pulled out his phone and smiled deviously. You gave him a look and he just kissed you. When he pulled away, he flashed you a wide grin before dialling the number.

"Hello...yes go" Yoongi tapped for the speaker on his phone "Get them on the phone"

"It's not them" Hound gave a shaky chuckle, watching as a man entered the room on the screen, watching as if watching a reality show. You felt extremely nervous seeing the woman shove the phone away.

"Oh Rena, sweetheart, don't be like that" Yoongi spoke and the woman's expression changed on the screen "We can see you, wave"

She just covered her son's ears and you watched her look around, her eyes catching the camera briefly.

"Why don't you say hi to your husband? I'm sure he'd love to hear your voice"

"I'm not playing this game anymore" Hound walked over to Yoongi, pressing his gun to his forehead, causing you to flinch in surprise

"Rena honey, would you tell your husband to calm his mutt instincts- Rena, I know you don't want Jay to get hurt. Don't make me hurt Jay"

And that's when the image on the screen changed, and the large bodyguard was pulling the child away from the woman, getting ready to hit him when the loud cry emitted through the speaker of the phone.

"Don't! Please, don't. Sam, please, do as he says"

You and everyone, except Yoongi, were frozen. Stuck in shock, disbelief, terror, whatever subjective feeling to feel, everyone but Yoongi felt uneasy. 

Yoongi just had a slight smile of delight as Hound dropped his gun.

"Am I still bluffing?"

"...I'll make you pay for this"

"By killing my princess? My guards? Try picking up your gun, I dare you. You won't have a son to pick up after school, but then again, your gun might be more important. In fact, why don't we see just how important they are to you"

"Yoongi, don't-"

"Shh princess, don't worry" he cooed to you before getting back at Hound

"See, you thought kidnapping us would work. You thought you'd get my money, my empire, my legacy. You thought wrong. Now, I'll give you two options, dearest Hound. You can, take your cute little family, leave your business, and disappear from this whole continent. Or, you can stay here, watch me ruin your life, and disappear from existence as is. I'll make sure your whole bloodline forgets Samuel Richman. Terribly tacky surname, by the way"

After all that, you'd think someone would have a worse reaction than just standing there. You felt Yoongi's hand hold your own, you felt him entwine your fingers together.

"I can just kill you, right now. One of my men could kill you, right now"

"Oh don't be stupid, you know what result that'd lead too" Yoongi rolled his eyes impatiently "Kid, are you really going to kill yourself, and your whole family, just so you get to kill me?"

"Someone has to do it"

"Rena, I know you're hearing all of this. You're being awfully quiet. Why don't you share your opinion with us?"

You watched the woman named Rena crawl in the room; crawl over to a different corner. Her hair was so messy, her face was bruised, and now that she had crawled closer to the camera, you could see her ripped clothes. You didn't even begin imagining what torture she went through.

"Your name-You, the one doing this"

"Agust, darling, it's Agust"

"Agust" she stuttered "Don't you have-have some humanity? Don't you feel bad, abducting a small boy and a mother, torturing them and causing all of this?"

"I do! I should've kept his sister there with you, to add more dramatic effect. But my dogs weren't fed for days, you see. I suppose I do feel bad, Sam- oh wait, luckily I got it all on video! Your sister, she's quite pretty- well, was" Yoongi nodded his head, and on the other TV screen, a video started playing, in a cell much like the one Rena and her son were in, only this one had one person in it, a young woman, crying "Ah, I almost forgot, one of my guards got acquainted with your sister as well! I think he liked her, oh look, he did like her! Oo, they got intimate fast! Well, we'll show you the rest of the video later, my dogs didn't just like your sister, they loved her. Anyways, Rena, do you have anything else to say?"

"Don't-don't you have a family? How do your parent's feel, with a son like you?"

"Lucky for me, my parents are dead, just like my emotions" 

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