Chapter 1

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"Merry Christmas Justin!" my mother said as she handed me a gift. I enjoyed spending time with my family on the holidays, because most of the time I just stayed to myself. I grabbed the present from her hands and smiled. "Thank you mom." I said as I stuck my finger between the wrapping paper, ripping it to shreds. I unwrapped the gift to see a Dell computer box. I looked up at her and smiled. "Did you seriously get me a computer?" I asked. She nodded and I honestly felt like my heart was going to explode, it really made me happy. "My own computer! Thanks mom!"

We finished unwrapping gifts, she opened hers, as well as my sister. We all had a great dinner, and a great Christmas that year.

Later on that day, I decided to set up my new computer. As my sister was sitting beside me helping me, she asked "So, what's your first thing your going to do on the computer?" I looked at her and gave her a weird look. "I don't know, probably look at hot chicks, you know the usual." as a smirk came to my face but quickly turned into laughing. She glared at me and said "Ew! You're gross. Perv." and crossed her arms. I nudged her and shook my head. "Nah, I'm just joking, truthfully I'm going to burn some CD's for my CD player. It'd be nice if I had some CD's to listen to in my car."

I loved my car. It was a Pontiac G6, and I tell you, I put a lot of money into that thing. I installed a big surround system in my car and everybody loves it, except my mom because she hates the bass. I only have the radio to listen to though, because I never really bought CD's because I didn't have the money for them. I had a whole stack of blank CD's that I could burn, but I couldn't because we didn't have a computer to burn the CD's, but thank god for Christmas because it happened!

As I got the computer up and everything installed, and it was ready to use, I downloaded LimeWire which was an illegal,yet awesome place to download music. I continued to burn CD's for hours. I was sitting in the living room with my sister, but I decided to get up and move to my room. As I was getting up, my sister said "Where you going?" I looked at her and said "Well, it's getting late, and I'm getting kind of tired so I'm going to my room." She yawned. "Yeah, I agree. Goodnight Justin, Merry Christmas." I smiled as she laid her head on the arm of the couch and pulled the blanket over her. I came over to her and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Marie, Merry Christmas." I said as I slowly faded out of the living room.

I walked up the stairs and down the hallway to open my door. Ah, it was good to be back into my room. I looked on the floor and noticed a bunch of clothes, I shrugged not really caring. I grabbed my chair, and sat at my desk as I placed the computer down. I had already burned a few CD's, and I was off of LimeWire, I was just bored now. I stared at my computer screen wondering what to do. I went to the URL address and typed in "" and scrolled down my news feed. Nothing too interesting was going on, until I stopped at this post about this website. As I was reading it was it was a fun website for teen kids to hang out and talk. I figured, why the hell not, and copied the URL address into mine. "" I copied as I pasted into my URL address. I hit enter and I couldn't believe what popped up.

It was old shows that I used to watch, Degrassi, Instant Star, South of Nowhere, and all of my shows. I smiled as it brought back memories. "Create Account" popped up and I shrugged and said why the hell not. I created an account and the website made me create an avatar to go into these parties with. I raised an eyebrow and thought it was weird, but I did it anyways. It took me to these parties and I could choose which one to join. I clicked a random one and was joined with a few other people. I clicked my avatar to be next to them, there was a girl, with blond hair, sunglasses and was wearing a white, pink, and red dress. There was also a guy standing next to them, he looked like a biker, red jacket, biker hair, and sunglasses. "Hi." I typed. I waited for a response, I felt like an idiot. "This is for kids." I thought. "I'm 16 years old, what the hell." I said to myself. I saw a response from the blond haired girl. "Hi!! How are you? You new here?" She asked. I kind of wasn't expecting that response. "I'm good. Yeah, I'm new. I'm Justin. What's up guys?" I said. I read that sentence to myself over and over to make sure I didn't sound like a total dweeb. The guy responded as he came next to me "Hey Justin, I'm Chris. This here, is KT. She's a bitch but don't let that get you down." He said. I laughed and smiled, maybe this could work out after all. "I am not!" She said. "If anything, you're a jerk." You could tell that these two were good friends, or liked each other. "Anyways!" KT said. "Nice to meet you Justin. As you already know I'm KT." She typed. "I figured that :P" I responded.

As the night went on, I continued to hang out with them and talk to them about their lives, where they were from, who they were and who they hung out with. They taught me more about the website and how to meet people, and even play games in the parties. I thought that this website was pretty cool, and I was definitely going to use it more.

When I looked at the clock it read "7:09AM" I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and I knew that I was really tired. I think it was just about time to go to bed. I met a few other people with KT and Chris, and I really liked the people they introduced me to. One of them was named Allie, she was really nice. Her avatar had blond pigtails, and a blue jean overall and she was holding a teddy bear, I thought it was really cute. I continued to talk to Allie and KT for a while longer, Chris was already gone because he went to bed.

"You should make an AIM Justin." Allie said. I raised my eye brow. Man, I need to get hip to these new websites. "AIM?" I asked. "What's that?" I felt like a dummy for not knowing what it was. Allie replied and said "It's a chatting site, similar to this one, although its more of one on one conversations, instead of the whole room seeing it. It's instant message!" It made sense. Maybe it'd be fun to make one. So I did. I typed into my URL address on another tab "" and I downloaded it onto my computer. I made a new account and gave my username to Allie and KT. "All done!" I said. I looked at the clock again. "8:37AM" I rubbed my face with both of my hands and looked outside, it was getting lighter and lighter and I hate sleeping in the light. "Alright, well I'm going to get off now. It's been fun! I'll get on AIM later and message you guys, okay?" I said. "Okay! Goodnight Justin!" Allie said. "Night Jus." KT said. I shook my head, damn I have a new nickname now. I laughed as I exited the page and closed my laptop. My eyelids were so heavy. I went to my windows and pulled the curtains down so it would be nice and dark in my room, so I didn't have to sleep in the light. Some of my family called me a vampire because I liked being in the dark so much. I went to my door and locked it so that way Marie doesn't come in my room in a few hours trying to bug me to play. I took off my shorts, as well as my shirt and left my boxers on. I hopped on my bed and put the blanket over me. I laid on my back and put my hands behind my head. I couldn't stop thinking about KT, or Allie. I wish I could have met them in real life, because honestly, they seemed cute as hell and believe me, I'd hit on them. I laughed at myself and shook my head as I closed my eyes. I had fun today, and I'll definitely be getting on my computer later to talk to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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