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Waiting for my brother to arrive, I observe the Oslo sky. It was cold, but refreshing. I'm not gonna lie and tell you that I haven't missed this. But it's definitely toxic, too many memories I'd rather forget.

It's been a while since I've been, I was forced to move back after something I'd rather not talk about happened.

So here I am, Aleena Magnusson back to the city which broke my heart.

The last time I was here,I went to Hartvig Nissen, which I hear my brother still goes to.

William and I where extremely close, but after what happened we drifted apart completely.
Niko, I couldn't even call him a brother. I haven't seen him in almost three years and I'm relieved. I mean, since he was part of the whole incident in the first place.

I see a familiar black car stopping right in-front of me.

William doesn't even have the chance to get out of the car, as I attack him with a hug.

"William!" I exclaimed, running up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck

"Aleena" he smiled, his arms resting behind my back

"I've missed you so much" I whisper, tears brimming in the corner of my eyes

"You have no idea how much I've missed you"he mumbled against my shoulder

"So how've you been?" He spoke, starting the car

"Not bad, and you?"

"Good- same old, same old" my brother said, observing me through the rear view mirror"You definitely don't look the same, I like the hair"

"I can't believe I'm here" I grin, "Right? I got sick of the black hair"

"Are you excited to be back?"

"More nervous than excited"

"How's mother doing?" He asks, his eyes on the road

"She's okay, she's never home even when I get the chance to see her, we say maximum five words" I shake my head

"How's Max?" He asked

The moment his name was pronounced, my whole body froze. My eyes focused on my fingers,playing with my necklace.

"Uh- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine, we're not seeing each other anymore" I manage to say

"Oh okay, did you miss Hartvig Nissen?" He smiled, trying to change the subject

"Yeah! Honestly, I kind of do... I mean I grew up in that school"

William parks the car in a familiar drive way, the house looked exactly the same. Too many memories.

"Well you better get some rest Al" he said, as we exited the car

"Yeah.. how's Eva?" I ask

"She's good, I see her around school with some new bus she's joined"

"Bus? Eva joined a bus?" I laugh as he nodded his head in amusement, unlocking the door

"Who's in the bus?"

There's a feeling in my stomach once my eyes land on the sight of our living room, it felt like I had never left

"Not sure, a couple of girls. The only one I remember is the one that wears red lipstick"

"That's so weird though, she hated busses when I was here" I chuckle, plunging on the familiar sofa

"Our bus is still strong" he yelled amusingly

"You're joking? The penetrators are still around?"

"Yes, why do you seem so surprised" he scoffed

"No, I just thought most of you would've gotten some girls pregnant by now" I joke, as he throws a pillow in my direction but thankfully misses it

I yawn and close my eyes for a moment, and before I knew it, darkness took over me.

Aleena ➽ Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now