Twenty One

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A/N sorry for the late update! Have a good day x -n

The action between Chris and Aleena starts during this chapter. Brace yourselves for the upcoming chaptersss

Vote & comment for the next chapter xx

"Would you open your books to page-" the teacher starts but was interrupted by the bell ringing

The sound almost made me kiss the ground considering the fact that it was the last Maths lesson, well until after spring break ofcourse.

I think the highlight of my day was when we where in literature class,and there was no subject of the book brought up.

I don't about you but I call that a miracle.

"You seem extremely happy today" William said,amused

"Yeah what happened,did they replace everything in the vending machine with potato chips" his annoying friend smirked

"I wish, but sadly no"

"You punched someone?" Chris continued guessing

"I didn't punch anyone" I scoff,pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear

"Then I'm out of guesses,ever since the day I met you,the only thing you enjoy is eating potato chips and threatening to hit people" he explained,as my brother bursts into laughter

"Shut up, I'm excited because it's spring break"

"I hope you know that there's no sleeping on the couch throughout the whole day" William adds

"Yes.. There's sleeping on the bed throughout the whole day"

"Not even that" he clarified before adding, "I have to go meet with one of the guys, I'll see you around"

"Oh, don't worry Aleena you'll experience other things" Chris spoke up, as he placed his arm on my waist

"Gladly,just not with you" I shake my head,swatting his arm away

"Oh come on" he chuckled,placing both hands above the locker,blocking my way

His eyes where lighter than they seemed to be,I guess I never got to see them up close before.

"Do you want to take a picture?" He asked,an amused expression plastered across his face

"What the hell are you doing" I hiss"Remember the last time rumors spread?and it wasn't even at the school"

"Okay" he simply said,my eyes now diverted to his lips.

I tried pulling away but it was impossible,it was like I was completely frozen. Instead he pulls away.

"If you just wanted me Aleena,you could've just said so" he said,before walking away




"Are you ready for tomorrow?" William asked"Aleena?"

"Uh-right, yeah I am"

"If you just wanted me Aleena,you could've just said so"

"What has gotten in to you?" He chuckled

"I'm just thinking about tomorrow"

"Uh-How was your day?"

"Okay" I shrug

When he finally parked the car,my direct instinct was to get out of it and escape the awkward atmosphere.

I walk casually in the house, that's until I reached the stairs and sprinted like I saw cockroach.

Aleena ➽ Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now