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Thankful for all the votes & comments! I'm glad you're enjoying this book as much as I enjoy writing it.

This chapter's a bit short but I'll update the next chapter sooner!

I hope you have a good day, -n xx

"Have you ever made out with someone in the backseat of their car?"

"Are you kidding me"

"Come on" he smirked

"No,Schistad. No I haven't" I roll my eyes

"You know,we could always change that?"

"You know what,you literally are the worst person to ever play 21 questions with" I huff

"What?" He laughed "It was just an offer"

"An offer? Where the hell did you even get the idea of making out in the backseat of a car"

"You mentioned it"

"I didn't mention it" I scoff "Why the hell would I do that?"

"Drunk Aleena" he replied firmly


"Ohhh" he mocks

"I was drunk alright?"

"Are you sure you're not drunk?" He asked

"What kind of question is that"

"Well the fact that you danced like that, and you're apparently sober so-"

"I don't need to be drunk to have fun" I state

"All I'm saying Is that drunk you,isn't afraid to take challenges" he shrugged

"What challenges? Sing to some Latin song"

"Yeah.. and introducing yourself to half the penetrators,telling a girl you don't even know that you disliked her, take-"

"Ok-Okay. I get it"

"Just saying"

"I don't need to be drunk to take challenges" I tell him

"Whatever you say Al"

"You don't believe it,do you?" I say amusingly

"I'll believe it when I see it"

"This is one of the most boring parties, I've ever been too" I groan,aiming to change the subject

"Oh come on, I'm standing right here"

"I know"

"Nah- it is really a shitty party" he agrees

"Don't you guys do anything fun here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean,do all you guys do is party? Don't you go out, explore Oslo?"

"Not really. It's parties,school or that bar downtown" he replied

"Back in California,we used to do allot of stuff" I smile remembering the memory

"Like what?"

"Me and my friends,we used to have this place we used to visit. They served huge pizzas that tasted like heaven" I smiled,remembering the memory "So whenever we'd go there,we used to have this table basically always reserved for us. So my-uh friend Faye always found it amusing to flirt with the waiters,and at the end of the day she'd always somehow convince them to go home with her-"

"Ah this Faye, when can I meet her?" He winked

I think I just got hit in the stomach

"I-uh, I'm not sure. She's still in California"

"You don't seem to talk about her much" he adds

"Yeah, I guess we lost contact after I left" I shrug, as he nodded

"I'm ditching this place"


"I said I'm ditching this place,it's fùcking boring" he repeated casually "You're welcome to join if you want to"

"Where are you going?"

"You'll have to come and see" he trailed

"No thanks"

"Suit yourself" he winked before starting to walk away

I avert my gaze towards the party, everyone seemed busy.

Eva was dancing like she had ice in her bra.

Sana is talking to Vilde,Noora was nowhere to be seen and so was my brother....

Chris joined Eva as they both danced,and that leaves me. Standing in the corner of the bar.

Eh nothing new

Before I could process what was happening, I did the one thing I'd never expect to do.

"Wait" I groan, catching up to him

"How come you've decided to change your mind?"

"Everyone's busy and I frankly don't feel like standing in the corner of the bar like a penguin" I tell him,as we walked outside

"Well,where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know,I thought you had something in mind"

"Oh, trust me I do. But you'd probably never be down for it" he smirked

"I'm glad you know the answer"

"No but seriously,what do you say about swimming?"

"Swimming? Are you insane, it's what? Past midnight" I scoff once more

"If you where drunk,you'd jump into the bath tub upstairs"

"Well I'm not. So take what you've got and I am not going swimming" I reply,leaning against the car

"Well what do you want to do then?"

"I have something in mind" I grin




And that Is how I found myself searching for the first episode of the vampire diaries on my computer.

"Are you seriously going to make me watch this Aleena?"

"Shut up and wait"

"When you said to come in, I was hoping for something, a little more...how do you say it? Exciting" he told me

"This is exciting!" I clap my hands

"No it's not, I'm probably on your couch ready to watch humans with plastic fangs and makeup fight for what seems to be ketchup"

"It's not like that!" I argue, while pulling out the popcorn from the microwave

"Aleena,I'm seriously not watching this shít" he chuckled,getting up and joining me in the kitchen

"Shít? Are you even human? I'm telling you once you meet Damon and Stefan-"

"Would you just shut up and come here" he tells me,before pulling me into a rough kiss

Aleena ➽ Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now