You're Mine

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     I woke up feeling really nauseous from the night before. I ran around a lot. At least that was a lot for me, haha. I try to recall what exactly happened last night as I sat up. All I remember is talking to........ Elijah. Holy mother of God what am I talking about. I'm delusional. I might as well go sign myself up now to go to the hospital.

     What am I talking about, I swear I saw him. At least I think I did. He was right there in front of me. Was he? He was...... I think.

     "What the fuck man. I have to be delusional. Right?" I yelled to myself trying to make sense of all of this.

     "You know it's not nice for a lady to swear. It's not 'ladylike'."

     I turned around to see the one and only Elijah standing in my doorway. So it's true, I'm not crazy and he's standing right in front of me. What the hell is going on?

     "I have to be crazy right? I'm crazy, I know I am." I said more to myself as I fell back on my bed.

     "No darling, you're not. Why would you be?" He asked as he made his way back towards me.

     "Because you died! Back in 1920 something! Remember! This can't be real. I'm not seeing you right now. I'm asleep right now and when I wake up, you will NOT be here." I said to myself as I laid back down and closed my eyes. A few seconds later, I felt the bed dip down next to me. I slowly opened my eyes to see him siting next to me and for some reason my heart jumped. Why? Why the hell did you just do that heart.

     "Well, I guess you are here." I said as I reached towards him. He didn't move when I slowly traced my fingers acrossed his arm. Instead he just watched me as I did in a daze. I looked up to look at his face and moved it from side to side with my hand as to inspect him for an imperfection or a scratch, but nope, there was none there.

     Maybe he was right, he's really here and I'm not crazy. "So what are you?" I asked trying not to sound rude.

     "I'm whatever you want me to be beautiful." He said as he sent me a wink. I was taken aback by that and I guessed he noticed. "I'm kidding darling, I'm a ghost if that's what you want to hear."

     "But.... but ghost-"

      "Aren't real, right? I know that's probably what you think, but let me tell you, I'm as real as I can be." He said as he started to stand back up.

     Before he could stand up all the way, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. "Wait, please don't leave just yet, I need more answers." I said seriously so that he knew that I meant buisness.

     He sighed and sat down knowing that he had no choice and awaited my questions. "How many people did you have in your gang? Did you have a family? A wife, girlfriend? How old are you? Did you kill anybody? Why didn't you 'cross over'? Is there anybody else here? Why didn't you cross over?" I said in what seemed like one breath and gasped for air after I said it.

      "I had five other people in my gang, no family, no wife or girlfriend or any women in interest at that, some people were killed, not going to say how many so that I don't scare you," he said as he let out a low chuckle, "I'd dont want to 'cross over' and nobody else is here and see the last question. Now that you know some things about me, I want to know some things about you." He said as he glanced around my room.

     "Okay, I guess. Go ahead and ask anything." I said kind of hesitant.

     "Anything?" He asked with a smirk on his face. This I when I knew I was going to probably not want to answer some things as they might be personal.

     I waited as he took off his jacket and got comfortable on my bed.
"So, let's see. Why did you choose this house and do you have any partner" he asked with emphasis on the you and partner. He waited for an answer before continuing unlike me.

     "Well, I found this house interesting and beautiful. I mean look at it," I said as I looked around, " look around the design. It's just my type. And no, I don't have a partner." I said as I waited for him to continue with another question.

     He looked around as to find a question to ask awaiting for him in the air. "How old are you and how did you afford this house? What were your plans from here?"

     "Well, I'm 23 and I own my own buisness. I got it from my mother when she dies last year." I said as I looked down remembering the time. "My plans were to build onto my store and hopefully find somebody and travel the world. I don't know. Something." I said looking back up only to find him standing up to grab his jacked from the bed and starting to walk out.

     "Wait!" I yelled as I started to get up and walk after him. "What did I say this time. I need to know what to say to you so that you don't decide to get up and leave all the damn time!" I yelled getting angrier by the second. He spun around and gave me a glare to stop me dead in my tracks, which is what I did.

     "I have some buisness to do." Is all he said before he left down the stairs and out the back door.

     What the hell was that about.

     ~five hours later~

     I was in the kitchen making my signature chocolate chip cookies when Elijah walked back through the door. He had a dark look in his eyes and what I noticed was blood on his jacket as he walked passed me. I put down my materials and walked behind him trying to catch up with him.

     When I noticed he wasn't slowing down, I stopped and yelled "ELIJAH! Fucking wait for a minute goddammit!" He stopped right on the spot and turned around quickly giving me the same glare from this morning. That was enough for my confidence to dissapear.

     "What did you just say?" He asked as he started walking towards me.

     "Well, if you would've just waited a second , then I wouldn't of yelled. All I wanted to know was if you're okay or not." I said still mad as I turned around to walk back to the kitchen. I felt a hand curl around mine and I realized that it was Elijah's.

     "Not what I asked." I turned around confused as hell not knowing how to respond. "Didn't I say that it was unladylike to swear and yes I'm fine," he said with a smirk on his face as he let go of my hand and started to walk up the stairs. I followed him up to my room and got the first aid kit as he sat in the bed. When I came back, he took oh his jacket. I noticed that he was still in the clothes from when he was still alive and I really liked seeing him in them. They suited him. As I came closer, I noticed that the blood wasn't coming from him.

      I dropped the first aid kit on the bed and slowly walked backwards. "What did you do?" I said as I reached a hand up to cover my mouth to hold in a gasp. I seen him start to smile and he let out a small chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked kind of confused.

     "I didn't do anything darling. All I did was take a stroll trough the yard. That's all." He said as he started to get up and head towards the bathroom. "I'm taking a shower." He said as he headed to the bathroom taking his shirt off. He turned his head back a little to glance at me. "Oh, and another thing darling, I just want you to know one thing....... you're mine" he said walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

      I didn't know what to do but stand there and that's exactly what I did. I stood there for a really long time and tried to process what just had happened.

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