Zero Compliance

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I'm sorry if this chapter is really crappy. To be honest, it was extremely hard to write. Very very hard. I didn't know how to convey the story without disappointing all of you and making it... Cliche, and awkward.

*ahem* Again, this will be a very disappointing chapter. I apologize. However, let me repeat. Stick. With. Me. I've got everything planned out. Heck, I even got everything planned out to the most recent manga chapter! So no matter how disappointing things get, stick with me. Don't bother voting if you're disappointed... I'd rather lose votes than readers...

I don't own Naruto. I own anything that does not happen in the original series (come on people, you should know). This story is copyrighted.

Third Person's POV

There was a heavy silence.


"You heard me," Kabuto repeated, "you can return to Konoha."

"Not that!" Rin snapped, "The last part!"

"What last part?"

"Your previous words!" Rin shouted, "The words about... About me..." Rin caught sight of Kabuto's indifferent expression and then...she snapped. "WHAT THE HELL!? What the hell, Kabuto?" Rin forced air in and out of her mouth, "What the hell... you're... you're seriously expecting me to just destroy Konoha?"

Kabuto's glasses glinted, "Precisely-"

"WELL YOU'RE INSANE!" Rin shouted back, "Konoha is my home! Making me destroy it is just sick!"

"You really think a place you left for four years is a home?"

"It doesn't matter how long I spent in there!" Rin yelled, "I'm not destroying a single brick of it! Did you already forget!?" Rin shakily raised a finger, "The entire friggin reason why my butt is still in this pit of crap-"

"Rin..." Kabuto warned, "don't-"

"-is so that I can return to Konoha! And now... You're telling me to destroy it!?" Rin swiveled around to Orochimaru's blank face, "You know..." Rin's voice shook, "you know that is my purpose... Four years ago... We agreed on a deal... So what...what is..."

"The deal," Orochimaru said coldly, "no longer exists."

Four years, two which were spent in absolute horrid solitude, came crashing down on Rin. Every single insult she accepted, every single bit of harsh training and treatment she tried to brush past, every word and action from the other inhabitants of Oto, came down like a waterfall. And like a waterfall, all those things continued to hammer down on the back of the victim.

Everything that was built on the foundation of returning to Konoha collapsed.

Rin froze. Her eyes slowly hardened.

"Liar," she whispered, "you stupid, retarded, LIAR!"

"Rin!" Kabuto shouted, "Don't you dare-"

"WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE THEN!?" Rin screamed, "I came here to get stronger so I can return to Konoha! How could you lie to me!?"

"Don't speak that way to Lord Orochimaru!"

"SHUT UP!" Rin yelled, "You know nothing! How could you! HOW COULD YOU BOTH, DAMN IT!"

"I'm going to give you one last chance Rin..." Kabuto said venomously, "apologize... And... don' Orochimaru-sama...that way!"




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