In the Rooms of the Hospital

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I know the previous chapter sounded rushed. This chapter might be rushed. I don't know. I've seen this scene so many times in fanfictions and rereading the manga that I've grown numb. I dont' know how to write it uniquely. But I DO want to get to Shippuden. 

Anyways guys. Naruto has ended, or is goign to end to day, Wednesday. I know that 700 was released already, but I just ccan't believe that Kishimoto would release his final chapter on the same day as 699. I'll continue to wait today, to see if he releases anything. 

A great time has ended. From 1999-2014, Naruto has been teaching us about life for fifteen years. Kishimoto has successfully created an elaborate plot with many layers and messages. I will always remember Naruto TT.TT 


My eyes flew open and I stared at bright electric lights. They glared down at me, before I turned my head away. I've woken up to this way to many times. A hospital room yet again. Only this felt different. I felt like I didn't want to wake up. Then I knew this feeling. This was the third time. The third time. Again... Warm hands... why can't I reach them anymore?

My blood ran cold and I stared upwards for a very long time. I kept on staring. And staring. The white hospital room became whiter and whiter, until everything was a blank slate.

I kept on staring.

Damn it....damn it!


Third Person's POV

Tsunade sighed as she grinded ingredients. It had only been two days since the mission failure, and so far, everything was still tense. To think that so many Genin would risk their lives just for one kid. Tsunade really had forgotten the feeling of connection between old Academy classmates. Either she was getting old, or the newer generations of shinobi were improving. Maybe it was both. Well at any rate... Tsunade brushed aside sweat from her forehead. Sakura had long heard the news, and she hadn't stopped crying (honestly...), Naruto had not woken up yet and ...

Tsunade smiled. That little whining girl. First running to Tsunade demanding a forehead protector and the title of a Genin out of the blue, then declaring her worth as a ninja while she's only ten years old, and then somehow getting buried under a pile of rubble. She escapes the hospital when she isn't even fully recovered just to get her brother... only to end up... Besides Shikamaru, Rin was the one who suffered the least injuries. A depleted chakra system could easily be saved with medical attention and a good few day's rest. The only thing that remained permanent was a scar.

To have her face cut at only ten...Uchiha's were remarkable.


"Hm?" The Hokage raised an eyebrow, "Hey, are you aware that I'm busy right now? You want my patients to die because I couldn't even focus when mixing their medicine?"

"Ts-Tsunade-sama..." A nurse stuttered, "Y-You were staring into space anyways..."

"Get to the point."

"The girl..." the nurse looked to the side, "she's awake but.."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "But?"

The nurse hesitated, "Well," she suggested, "maybe you can come looked yourself..."
"Hey runt!" Tsunade bursted into the room with her hands on her hips, "Finally awake huh? Although it's only been a day, you sure took your sweet t- huh?"

Rin slowly turned her head.

Tsunade stared. The girl was sitting up in bed, with her two arms just resting beside her. Her hands weren't even positioned correctly, "Sheesh," Tsunade gave a low whistle, "you look like you haven't been sleeping. What's with those eyes? You don't look like you're a little ten year old."

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