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Well that took a long time. See, I had a piano concerto competition, and I'm, I'm high school now, so time has been proving difficult. But, my competition is over, so I should be able more freed up. Anyways. I worked hard on this chapter, I hope you enjoy it!

I'm not sure if it's up to expectations... Since there are of course many other fanfiction versions of the scene I will write in this chapter... Anyways. I hope you enjoy what I have written!


Rin's POV

I slid down the tree and clutched my chest, panting hard. I don't want to go lightspeed, because I might end up running past important people. God knows how far away Sasuke is by now, and I can't skip over the other Genin. I have to make sure they're okay. I just have to continue running...

"Finally found you."

I swiveled around. There were a bunch of medics standing on the trees around me, "I'm not going back," I said dully, "you can't stop me either."

"Lady Tsunade's orders were," a medic, who I assumed to be the lead, said, "to follow a certain puny-"


"-black-haired child and locate the Genin who went after Uchiha Sasuke. You can proceed to your brother. We'll take care of the others."

I breathed out slowly. Well that was good; I had a lot of time saved then, "Thank you," I slowly stood up. Now that I had no other worries...I turned to the other medics, "I'll come back with Sasuke."

"Good luck."


With everyone taken care of, I could go light speed. But first. I made quick hand seals and closed my eyes, "Koham-me no jutsu!"

My vision flared to an entire scope of this forest. I searched, and searched, until I came across a field, then some rocks...and then... My eyes snapped open and I changed to light speed in an instant. The forst melted away into blurring colors before I slammed on to the ground. I layed on my back, gasping. There was grass all around me. Where was I?

Oh crap.

I had stopped too early, and now I can't use light speed again because of the amount of chakra it takes. I was in the grassy field, and above me was-


I looked up to see two large black eyes and an ugly spandex suit. It's that guy...the one who was injured by Gaara...why is he able to stand? What happened?

"Rock Lee."

"Sugitani Akira," Lee said back, "I don't remember seeing you with everyone when Shikamaru lead to the team and left. What're you doing here?"

"Why are you-" I head snapped to the left, "Crap! Watch out!" I was on my feet in an instant and I knocked Lee down. I swear I saw something like white kunais shooting at him. I looked down and realized there was blood on Lee's spandex. My blood...? No... I was uninjured. This was Lee's blood, "God Lee," I hissed, "who did this to you?"

"I did."

"Wha-" My arms came up just as white things spiraled up around them. I struggled. What the hell...? What sort of white stuff- then I saw the person who was standing in front of me so calmly, "Ah..." I said weakly, "it's you."

"It's been quite some time, Rin."


For some reason, I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. Out of everyone, Kimimaro was the only one I respected in Oto because he was at least same and had a sense of morals. I didn't want to face him, "You're supposed to be..." I hesitated, "you're supposed to be resting-"

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