Part 10.

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Ely's POV

December 2016.

I was out! I was finally free. Well, in the building sense. I still had probation stuff to deal with, but I got out within the grace period of the holiday which meant, I had no restrictions for about a week. I wasn't going to go anywhere, I was just grateful to have no one monitoring my movement's for once.

Adrian was supposed to be picking me up, because he was in town, and I wanted to surprise Sage. I needed to pick up my money, and her a gift. Watching Adrian pull up a couple minutes later, made this real for me. I was going home.

"What's good my man? It's good to see you." I smiled, getting in the passenger seat.

"Man me? Naw you. You have facial hair. You finally put some weight on. You don't look like you could fly away if you flap your arms anymore." He seemed to think that little bit was funny.

"Ah- Ki-Ki, shut up."

He mugged me for a second, before we both ended up laughing. And we took a minute to joke with each other some more, just trying to catch up. We talked twice a month, but we hadn't seen each other since June.

After Adrian picked me up, we had to head by our old boss's house. He had my money, and I needed it. He knew that I was out of the game for good, but that didn't mean a conversation about my past wasn't about to happen.

Adrian parked on the street, because this would be a quick run, and we both got out. If I went in by myself, he'd probably try to rip me off. And I couldn't risk my freedom again, by doing something stupid. Plus I was unarmed.

We did the knock, went through basic checks, another pat down, and were finally able to see the "boss". Mark wasn't a bad guy. He just wasn't exactly trustworthy. But in this business no one is. Everyone is shady, and has a motive, with money being the main focus. Always money.

"Well well well. If it isn't my two favorite delivery boys. How are you? How have you been? Elijah, it's nice to see you out and about now. And Adrian I thought you were done coming here?"

Both Adrian and I, were mugging I'm sure. He hated coming here, and I was never too much of a fan either. It'd gotten worse over time, because I quickly only became interested in the money, and not these pointless ass conversations Mark always wanted to have.

"I'm only here as a ride and support. Nothing else." Ade looked like he was more than ready to fire on the bodyguards and Mark if they did anything slick. This is why he was my guy. Even though he was the calm one, he'd never been not ready for a fight. Not ever.

Mark nodded and then looked over at me and cocked his head to the side. "And what about you Ely? What are you here for?"

I squinted my eyes a little, and focused on him completely. "I want the package that you promised me."

At first his face didn't change, and then after some moments, it turned into a wide smile. "For someone who wanted out of the game, a package sure would compromise that." The marina that the prom yacht was on, ended up being the perfect place to do a handoff and with so many people around, nobody even noticed.

"Not if it was what I was never able collect for the run that gave you a new connect, and a new income flow. I want my money Mark. Not drugs."

He nodded and looked over at one of his guards, motioning for him to throw me a duffle bag from the top shelf. Looking at the bag when it made it to my hands, I could see that it was my old one. I shook my head a little, opening the bag to check my money really quickly, and do a brief count.

"I'm short."

Mark immediately started laughing and motioned for his dude to throw me the rest of my money, which I quickly added to my bag. Standing back up, I looked at him. "It was a pleasure doing business with you."

He smiled and held his hand out to shake. I was a little hesitant to take it, but knew it was disrespectful to not shake it, so I cancelled out my reservations, and walked up to do it. Looking him in his eyes, I shook it quickly and caught my balance when he pulled me into him for a hug.

"Now I know you're out, but if I need you, I'm going to call, and you might want to answer the phone if that ever happens." He said it lowly, then let me go with a pat on the back. "Have a good life, Elijah."

He let me go with a polite smile, and threw a goodbye wave to Adrian before motioning for his guards to show us out.

I said a silent prayer to ask that he never needed me or Adrian, as we continued our trip out. I wasn't sure what he meant, and finding out wasn't on my list of interests either.

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