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{Dec 28, 2016} (started)

Arians pov.

I walk into my studio. Not Justins!

And speak of the devil, Justin's already rehearsing one of his songs. Wonder what its called? Ill go ask.

"Hey" I say in my cat voice, the voice from Sam and cat.

"Woah" he says and looks at me

"What's that song" I say, straight to the point.

"Its called what do you mean" he says proudly

"Its great" I say " I've been working on something myself too"

"Wow what is it!" Justin says as I go to sit on the stool and pick up a guitar and tune it, also fixing my dress behind me.

"I'm so into you" I sing "I can barely breath, and all I wanna do is to fall in deep"

"Wow" he interrupt but I ignore him.

"So baby look what you started the temputures rising," I finish " still a work in progress but yea"

Justin starts clapping widely, "you have some talent we need to. Do a duet!" he yells

"I guess, I mean we need go write a song by next week!," I huff in annoyance "the show, my tour!"

"Right" he thinks "why not just use one of your songs but I sing some parts?"

"Great thinking" I say and look at him, we lock eyes and I think the zoo got let loose in my tummy!

"Like what you see" he winks

Oh no! I got caught staring "ew no" I say getting up and fixing my mini dress and walk to the microphone.

"Like what you see" I say and spin around flipping him with my hair. Leaving him speechless

I walk up to the mic and start singing randomly "something bout' you makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't"

"Something bout', something bout'" Justin chimes in and I not in approval

"All girls that that, bad girls underneath like that, you know how I'm feeling in side"

"Oh yea"

"Something bout makes me feel like a dangerous woman" I sing, using my vocals I was blessed with "makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't."

"Wow those are some killer vocals!" Justin says walking to the drums.

Scooter walks in,phone in hand.

"Wassup scoot" I say fixing my cat ears.

"So, I just received this interesting
e-mail" he says, I'm not allude to look tho.

"What's it say?" Justin questions.

"It says here" he ponders, his eyes scanning the page,"oh here it is, it says that your concert was moved to friday, which in your case is in three days"

"What!" Justin and I say in sync.

"I'm sorry, my bosses boss told me" he shrugs and gives me a sad smile, "why not use a song from your dangerous women album but mix it up?"

"Thanks scooter your the best!" I gush and kiss his cheek as he walks away.

"I was thinking about doing the song dangerous women or side to side or a mash up?" i suggest.

"Great!" Justin says says and looks at his watch, "oh damn I have meeting to get to sorry ari just work on the song"

Work on the song, who does he think I am? Jeez, i run to my car and drive home.

"Mom I'm home!" I yell "I got a great deal"

"That's great honey what is it?" my mom says from the kitchen.

"I'm working with Justin Beiber!" I scream

"Oh sweet" she gushes, not to mention loves Justin beiber.

"And I'm doing a mash up of side to side and dangerous women" I gush "fort show in three days"

"Three! I thought hoy said a week!"

"I know its just scooters bosses boss is crap" I say and walk to my room.

I take off my makeup and pull my hair out of its pony tail, I take a shower and when I get out I Putin some pajamas and jump on my bed, thinking about Justin and the song.

I wake up feeling very grumpy, oh right, I have to write a song by tomorrow.

I sit down at my desk not bothering doing anything else first and start working on my song.

I begin writing some lyrics

'I've been here all night, I've been here all day, and boy got me waking side to side!'

Oh sweet, first line! Seems pretty good, let me go on.

'All girls wanna be like that, bad girls underneath like that. You know how I'm feeling inside.'

Wicked! I place my pencil down and head to my closet, I pick out A slayer skirt in white and find a matching crop Top to go with.

I walk yo my bathroom and open my draw, inside lay ally cat ears in color organization. I look at the sparkly ones and pick a whitish sparkle one.

I brush my hair and put my hair in my signature half up do and I put my cat ears on.

I then, walk over to my makeup table and begin applyinmy makeup, when I'm done I walk put yo the kitchen to find mom making pea pancakes.


"Bye Mom Got to go," I kiss her cheek "love you"

"Love you too dear, tell justin I said hi!" She said with a smile on her face.

I turn around and walk to my car, I hop in and drive to erie's house, my best nonFamous friend. Just saying.

I knock on her door, and it opens.

"Hey" she says looking down at the ground.

"Still mad huh?" I whisper, I mean Erie is my best friend since kindergarten! She helped me get noticed by scooter.

"No" Erie smiles and gives me a hug,"not anymore"

"Good!" I gush

"So wanna come in?" she tilts her head, "I got a surprise for you!"

Why would she give me a surprise when I kissed her boyfriend, dang she's a good friend.

"Erie, I didn't mean to kiss Cameron." I apologize.

"I know" she whisper, "doesnt matter anymore"

"What, how so?"

"We broke up" she says as her voice cracks.

"Oh no!" I run up and hug her, "buy guess what!"

"W-what" she crys

"I'm working with..," I pause,"JUSTIN BEIBER!"

"OMG" she squeals.

"That's what's thought and I got you these" I say and holding two tickets to get yo my show in two days.

"In two days, I'm leaving today" I give a sad smile "ill be back next monday!"


"Oh my I have to go," I day looking at my phone "airport"

"I love you" Erie says and hugs me

"I love you too" I sad smile

"Don't forget me!" she says and grabs a box from the kitchen.

"What's that" I say as she hands it to me.

I open it and its a half heart.

"The other half is right here" Erie says pulling out her half heart "don't forget about me ari".

"Never" I say getting up "bye"

"Bye" she squeals, "see you in two days"

I walk outside and get in my car and drive back home to pack.

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