Nate loves....

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It was 8am on a cold Saturday morning in December in Monroe, Ohio and for a change Nate was up early ready for the day ahead, not exciting you would say but for Nate he was about to go Christmas shopping with his girlfriend Kiara, who doesn't like to be kept waiting. They were going to meet up in town with Drew and his beautiful new girlfriend Millie. Kiara doesn't like Millie because of how pretty she is and the way all the boys including Nate would hang on her every word.
At 9am Nate was at Kiara's door. When she came outside Nate said "Come  on we are supposed to be meeting Drew and Millie at 9.30."
"Okay it's only five minutes into town."

Drew and Millie were waiting outside a small coffee shop when Drew's phone went off. When he looked at it he found it was Austin. "Hello, Austin are you and Kelly joining us for Christmas shopping.Levi just messaged me him and Abbz are coming and we are waiting for Nate and Kiara to arrive. "
Austin replied "We will meet you there in a while I just have to wait for Kelly to finish getting ready."

Austin and Kelly had been together for about 6 months now, it was Kelly's first time away from family at Christmas, because Austin and his family had invited her to spend Christmas with them. Kelly was the sort of girl who never thought Austin would never be into a girl like her but he was they had met when the band the boys had put together had played a gig at party she was at.  Kelly had stood and watched them for a while and then when they were on a break Austin went up to her and started talking to her. Levi saw Abbz at the same party and was instantly attracted to her because she wasn't the normal blonde hair blue eyes. Drew also met Millie at the party but it took longer for her to agree to go out with him.

The only one who had a girlfriend before that was Nate who had been with Kiara for about a month before the party, she was very possessive an didn't like the fact that Nate was friendly with other girls,but that is how Nate is he hasn't got it in him to not be friendly.

Nate, Kiara, Levi Abbz, Drew and Millie all arrived at the same time. As Kelly and Austin were already there everyone gave each other a hug, they were only friendly quick hugs well apart from Nate's to Millie, which hadn't gone un noticed by Kiara. Austin said "Right let's get this Christmas shopping sorted. I have so many to get so let's go."
The whole group went round the shopping mall together. Kelly walked with Austin , Drew and Millie, which made Nate walk close to them.

Kiara really didn't like the fact that Nate was really close to Drew  and to Drew's girlfriend Millie. By one shop Austin,Drew and Levi wondered off to buy things for their girlfriends. That left Nate with Kelly, Millie, Abbz and Kiara, waiting outside what on earth could happen. Kiara stood so close to Nate he had to say "Babe can you move over a little bit they know I am with you."
Inside the shop Drew said " So Austin what are you going to get Kelly then?"
"I know she has seen a bag she likes so maybe that and something special."
Austin knew what he wanted to get Kelly but he wouldn't get it with the others there.

After half an hour Kiara said "What is taking them so long."
Nate just looked at her and Kelly couldn't resist saying " What is your problem, Kiara. You have done nothing but moan all the time we have been here. Would you still be moaning if it was Nate in the store getting your presents. "
Kiara just shot her the most dirty look, so Nate said "Kiara no need to be like that. Just leave it."
"I knew you would defend her, Kelly is a tramp but you lot think she is amazing, because she is Austin's girlfriend ."
"You...oh I can't be bothered with this. Nate,Abbz can you tell Austin I will see him later at his parents house."
With that Kelly walked away from them, just as the boys were coming out the shop. Austin just looked, so Nate said "Kiara kicked off again because you lot were longer than she thought you would be."
Austin said " Oh Kiara why do you do it."
"Kelly said she will see you back at your house." said Nate
"Kiara we were all supposed to be shopping together, why do you do it."
Kelly got a cab back to Austin's home, leaving everyone else to carry on with the shopping.  When she went into the house she explained everything to Austin's mom, who told Kelly just to ignore her.

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