Austin asks

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It was Christmas Eve and in the Corini house everyone was still asleep, well apart from Kelly. She was awake and it was only 7am, so she went downstairs to the kitchen and began to make coffee for everyone. She also found a list of things that Austin's mom had made to prepare for the day. Kelly saw that potatoes needed peeling and other vegetables needed preparing so she set about doing them.
Mrs Corini went downstairs about an hour later, she said "Wow Kelly you have been busy, but you didn't have too."
"I couldn't sleep so I came down to do coffee. I hope you don't mind me doing them."
"Are you kidding it's a great help because I can do other things ready."
"I have made coffee for everyone too. Is it okay if I go and take Austin his?"
"Of course it is okay, you can go into his room. I am surprised you haven't stayed in there with him yet."
" You mean you would approve of me staying in the same room as Austin."
"Yes, now go and get his lazy butt out of bed."
Kelly took a mug of coffee up to Austin. She knocked on the door because she didn't want to just walk in. Austin shouted to go in. When Kelly went into the room Austin said "Good morning sweetheart."
"Good morning Austin. I have had a conversation with your mom and it has really surprised me."
"Why what has she said."
"Well firstly I asked if it was okay to bring you a coffee up and to my surprise your mom said she was surprised we weren't staying in the same room."
"Yes go and ask her she is in the kitchen."
Austin got up went and asked his mom. When he came back he said "You were right."
"I told you."
"Well what do you say to staying in here with me tonight so we can bring Christmas in together."
" I would love it. I mean what girl wouldn't want to lie in bed and cuddle up to her boyfriend."
"Later when everyone else has gone out how about we bring your things in here"

Nate was sitting on his own feeling sorry for himself. He called Austin and said "Hey Bro how are you?"
"Not bad just having time with Kelly before the mad rush of Christmas starts. What are you doing"
"Nothing just watching films.
"Do you want to come over for a bit. I can't see my bro sitting on his own on Christmas Eve."
Nate said he would be over in an hour. Austin said "Kelly, you don't mind Nate coming over do you. He sounded so down."
"Hey you don't need to ask me it's your house I am a guest. While you and Nate are chillin, I will go and help your mom."

Drew and Millie were at the bowling alley with Levi and Abbz. Abbz said "I hope Nate is okay after the break up with Kiara"
"If I know Nate he is going to see Austin and Kelly for a bit but spending time with family and generally just being Nate."

Austin had been in the shower and was getting dressed so Kelly went in next, she took all her clean clothes into the bathroom. She showered and got dressed and then went and rejoined Austin, "Austin can I dry my hair in here please?"
"Of course you can. I have even made room in the closet for you."
"Wow. I am really looking forward to Christmas now. I have got gifts for everyone too."
"Babe you didn't need to."
"Austin , I may not have a lot of money but I wanted to get everyone a small gift."
While Kelly did her hair Nate arrived and went up to Austin's room Kelly waved because she was doing her hair. Austin said "Hey dude after Christmas let's do a new cover with us all together, that way we can have more time to find the right song."
Nate only stayed for another hour then he went home, before he went Kelly gave Nate a present. He said "Wait what is this for?"
"It's a small Christmas present for you."
"Thank you Kelly, but I didn't get you anything."
"Nate I haven't done it for that I just thought I would make you feel better about your break up."
He then went home. After having a meal with everyone both Austin and Kelly went to his room and he locked the door. Kelly had already got her pjs on. She sat on the bed and said " I have got you something special to open."
"Is it to open with just me and you or in front of everyone?"
"There are some under the tree for you to open in front of everyone but I wanted this to be special to show you how much I love you."
"Kelly I know how much you love me you don't have to spend all your money on me or my family."
"Austin, they aren't big things they are just to say thank you for letting me stay with you."
Kelly just past Austin the neatly wrapped gift. It did cost her a lot of money, well for Kelly it was a lot of money. Austin carefully unwrapped the gift. He looked at her and said "Kelly this must of cost you a fortune."
"Please don't be angry with me, I just wanted something special for you."
Kelly had got him a gold necklace. "I love it thank you beautiful."
They then got into the bed and Kelly snuggled up to Austin and he said "Christmas eve is always good but tonight is special because we are together."
Kelly gave him a kiss goodnight and then both of them tried to sleep because Austin knew everyone got up around 7am. Christmas Eve night was so special to both of them because they were together.

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