Chapter 1. Stray Friends.

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Mark's POV

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Mark's POV.

"Another day in this fucking hell hole. Why the hell do they all have to be mean? Like common! Is there not a single nice person in the fucknig world! An- OWW! Fuck my eye!" I said as my ball hit me in the eye. I was currently sitting in my little room throwing a ball at the wall. My 'Master', just had some friends over and I was used as a fucking slave. They kept harassing me and yelling at me. I always did hate the rich people. I didn't mind them poor people just the rich ones. They would always be so snobby thinking they own the world and they are more important then the rest of us. It's so stupid. I hate it. I have been passed down from owner to owner. And not a single one loved or cared for me. I was only used for whatever they desired.

"MARK! Come and make me some dinner! And make those chicken dumpling thingies! There really good! And maybe you'll get a reward!" My 'Master' yelled at me. 'There called Chicken Dumpling Surprise! IDIOT!' I thought to myself. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a few pots and pans and started everything up. Once I made sure everything was cooking I went to the back door and looked outside. The sun was justing setting. It was rather beautiful. I saw a shadow near the back. It looked at me and soon we were staring at each other. I t walked to the door and  I could see it was a stray. It had brown fur and brown eyes. It was rather hot. It slowly walked up to the door. When it was fully there I could see the scars of previous battles just to stay alive.

"Mind opening the door dude? It's rather cold out here." The dog said. "s-sure." I stuttered. I opened the door and the dog walked in. I watched as it transformed into a rather hot huam. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I saw his bare chest. "Like what you see?" The hybrid asked. I couldn't help myself and said, "Y-yeah." I didn't care what he thought all I knew is that I might have a crush on him. Love a first sight I guess. We were staring into each others eyes until a voice broke us up.

"Mark when will the food be rea... Why hello there, I don't think we've met yet. I'm Abe Coakley." My 'Master' said.

"Well I'm Aaron Ash. It's a pleasure to meet you sir." the man said.

"So Mr.Ash would you like to join us for dinner? I'm sure Mark would like to see another hybrid. He's so lonely here. I don't have enough money to buy another so I was wondering if you might like to move in. What do you say?" My 'Master' said to him. I looked over at the man wondering if he would stay. We made eye contact once more and he turned back to my 'Master' and noddded. They  walked away so Mr.Ash could get used to the place. I went back to making dinner. Just as I finished draining the noodles I felt a presences behind me. I turned to see Mr.Ash.

"Hello Mr.Ash. How might I help you?" I asked him.

"Please don't call me that Mark. And I was told by Mr.Colbey that you and I are sharing a room. He says he's going to buy another bed for me. But until then we have to share a bed too. Sorry if that upsets you." he said to me.

"That's fine. How long do you plan on staying here?" I asked once more as my curiosity got the best of me. 

"I don't know yet. But probably for a while. How long have you lived here Mark?" He asked and soon we were having a real nice conversation. Like we have been friends forever and didn't just meet. But of course it had to end when my 'Master' came down the stairs and took a seat at the table waiting to be served. I grabbed the bowls and carried them to the table. Yami followed and sat near my chair. We sat in silence and ate our dinner. When everyone was finished I grabbed the bowls and brought them back to the kitchen to clean. I heard Yami following me. I didn't care much. It felt nice to know someone had my back. As we cleaned the dishes we talked out our dreams and shit. Once we were finished we headed to my room to get ready for bed.

Yami went to the washroom first so he could brush his teeth while I got dressed and then we would switch. As soon as we were done we got into bed and decided to tell ghost stories. Of course being the neko I am I had to make my signature sound before we went to bed. Just as he was halfway to dreamyland I put my mouth up to his ear and yelled, "MEOW BITCH!" He woke up and I couldn't help but laugh. He gave m a near death glare but I didn't care and lied down and fell asleep curled up next to Yami.


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